
Oh, Sansa doesn't expect to survive at the beginning. Biding your time doesn't make sense when you're powerless and will only fall further under your captor's influence. She's initially terrified of "flowering" for this reason. And no, Cat initially left Winterfell to deliver a message, remember? She only became more

I just wish they'd all stop using rape as a plot point for personal development. It's lazy writing for one thing, but it also reduces women to sexual objects and potential victims that perpetuates reasoning to keep them in a subordinate status.

I agree completely. I don't understand the gushing over GRRM, anyway. His cast list is bloated, but it's because he falls back on archetypes so much so it's actually fairly lazy writing.

Unpopular opinion ahead.

Thanks for not calling us Generation Y at least. I can't quite put my finger on why I hate that designation so much. Maybe because it's just lazy (as if we're defined only by coming right after GenX).

When my dad was born in 1955, he was about half a month late and weighed nearly 11 lbs. (why he wasn't a c-section I don't know). My grandma's tiny, and she was literally paralyzed for about two months after the delivery and decided two kids was quite enough for her. Luckily for *my* mom, my siblings and I were all in

I love this review.


I think it's a matter of cultural relativism not being moral relativism. You can understand that there is a tradition in a culture, but to stop all dialogue there and just accept discrimination and hatefulness is to basically give up. Moreover, I don't think Margaret Cho was purposefully disrespecting anyone or

Man, some people need to get their heads out of their asses and just mind their own business about other people's bodies. I'm sorry we don't already live in a world where that's the norm. And for what it's worth, those tattoos are gorgeous.

Haha, you're awesome.

Ha. Assuming science-lovers are more progressive? I thought the same thing about nerds and geeks.

Well, it's not a fun option, but legal recourse could be sought if this keeps happening. Just document as much as you can, especially your conversations with your supervisors and so forth, just in case you need to refer to them later.

I still can't believe how many people got immunity in this case. Hell, it seems like that was the only way to get any them to even testify against the rapists. Makes me sick.

I could watch that man slap Joffrey for hours.

I think I'd trip in those heels, too.

Why the hell weren't these monsters tried as adults?

My, my, that is a precise number of months he should be older than me. It can get awfully tricky! What if we're just a month or two off? Our happiness will never be optimal then! I propose that all women should start tattooing their birth dates on their foreheads so everyone knows what they'll be getting into (and you

I've been thinking about the "man up" problem in our society that forces young men into these narrow definitions of hegemonic masculinity. I think if we stopped thinking about human attributes in terms of feminine and masculine behavior and just looked at in terms of MORAL behavior (e.g. being emotional is not

Wish there were more people who thought like you.