Sally O'Broder

There's actually fairly copious evidence that female priests existed in the early Church and in reality, Paul's writings about them.

I dunno, they also consider Paul's writings divinely inspired, and I think you could certainly derive "women shouldn't be priests" from some of the stuff he said about them.

The biggest frustration with the Catholic Church's opposition to female priests and ministers is that there is literally NO Biblical basis for it. None. Jesus never said anything that would suggest that he intended to exclude women from the ministry. Nothing. Nada. Zip.

I told a joke to my old boss once. He was Catholic, I am Catholic, I figured he would enjoy it: What do you call a sleepwalking nun?

Yeah - ironically, although we hear about this total scientific illiteracy in the context of people being (vaguely) against GMOs, etc, this actually works in favor of industrial farming and their use of GMOs, at least in the US. Instead of debating the actual issues - the economic, health and environmental impacts of

Lucey, who joins 160 other women in the United States in becoming priests despite not being officially recognized as such by the Catholic Church

It absolutely does matter if the conclusion being drawn has nothing to do with the questions being asked or how they are presented. If the respondents believed the question was referring to DNA introduced to food instead of already existing, then they were answering in the context of GMO's.

Bad, movie-title, bad!

Agreed. I've been using the ladies room for over a decade without a sideways glance but I would be willing to take a couple of trips to the other side to help these assholes understand exactly what it is they mean when they write these bills.

I generally use the ladies' room, but I would be willing to put the time and effort into learning how to pee standing up to make bigoted people uncomfortable.

Care to provide an argument to the contrary, or are all your opinions void of reason?

I thought it was because they accidentally release a 10,000 year old space witch from a trashcan and she vowed to conquer earth?

imo, she doesn't actually understand what transgender is, what it means, what its origins are, why its a big deal. she only knows that she doesn't want a penis walking into a women's public restroom and endangering her precious future overpopulating the world spawn. except, oh, wait, she DOESN'T EVEN LIVE THERE!!"

I doubt she actually believes trans people exist. "Trans woman" to her is just pinhead progressive code for "predator in lady clothing camouflage".

Well, there's the law, there's the threat of violent enforcement of gender norms, there's fear and shame, there's all kinds of shit. Not everyone passes, not everyone believes they pass, and even if they do pass not everyone feels safe.

People don't just say 'excuse me, what parts do you actually have.' They sometimes

1. When I voted, there were nothing but old people as far as the eye could see, and one lone soccer mom type who pulled up with a Jesus fish on her SUV. I knew how this vote would go. I'm actually happy that it was as close as it was.

You know what, fuck it. I'm going to Fayetteville and I'm going to make it my personal mission to take a piss standing uncomfortably close to every male politician that supported this measure.

And a sequel to Battlestar Galactica.

i'm stoked. but the only Terminator movie i actively disliked was 3, because the acting/actors were so very very bad. I still don't understand the hate for Salvation - how can you complain about backstory/retconn in a series of time travel movies?