
And its an old Civic. They don’t even have the gen 11 Honda Civic in the game. 2.0

You’re going to do another article about how they ruined the economy, right?

Florida still sucks though...

Homelander (Antony Starr)? Homelander’s milking a cow.
Okay, so we’re not entirely sure what that last one is about,”

“For more than 98 years, the Walt Disney Company has been synonymous with the words Family Friendly, and I can think of no other corporation in American history that has been built more squarely on the backs—and on the wallets—of parents and families,” writes group president Tim Winter. “It seems wildly

Isn’t rye the usual bread in a patty melt?

He enjoys killing large animals, according to many reliable news outlets.

I don’t know how this went from a “pokemon on SNL” article to a AV club review of the entire episode and criticism that changing the cold open wasn’t doing enough for the situation in Ukraine.


the past thirty-plus years

I guess I’m not normal; I usually decide what I want to watch before I prepare my food.

Thoughts and Prayers.

It’s not easy being cheesy.

The Wendy’s value menu from like 2005-2010 was the best. Everything was literally 99cents. Decent variety. 

Insert ps4 disc, click buy free upgrade on the store, download game, done. Took me 30sec at most... (minus the download obviously)

It’s possible that “none of the above” are folks who don’t plan to watch the game. I don’t plan to watch it, and that’s the answer I would have given. 

So he is now he is trying to control another woman by bullying her in social media.   Shocked I tell you.  Shocked!  Well not really.

My Vita thumbstick somehow survived OlliOlli 2 but my thumb sure took a beating! There is a special sort of shame that comes from having to explain to people that you’re wearing a band-aid because of a video game.