
Yeah, having Morph be whatever they want to be is pretty much what the character should be, because they are going for an AoA/Exiles view on the character.  My thought is more as to why you would expect a 10 episode cartoon that runs 22 minutes that has like seventeen characters is going to worry about spending time

+1 Anyone who is advocating hydrogen fuel cells over EV is either an industry shill or completely uninformed.

I think you mean “140% as good.”

Similarly, not to pile on, but the new movie would probably be 95% better if you just removed every Leto.

I enjoyed Tron: Legacy, but
Jared Leto as lead?
No Daft Punk?

There is less damage done to the wetlands, sand dunes and beach during SpaceX closures as it stops all the recreational 4WDs and motorbikes from tearing up all of those areas.

I agree with the $70 price point prediction.  I think Nintendo is going to try pretty hard to hit a $300 price point again, though.

On top of the scheme itself, it was nice to see that Rom and Leeta are full-on partners in crime hustlingpolitics here, building on their old reputation and skills, respectively, to work the admiral. That Freeman catches up to them also continues an understated progression of her character this year compared to Season

I love the small of freshly licked boots in the morning.

We’re going to see it opening weekend and tickets were already thin on the ground like a week ago. This thing is going to make some serious cash, and I’d love to see it end up as one of the highest grossing movies of 2023 as a middle finger to the studio execs.

Perhaps you don’t realize just how absolutely mind-bogglingly big space is and just how little, yet at the same time, how much there is in a universe. Even with instant travel (which it is not btw, hyperspace travel between planets still takes a bit), we still wouldn’t have explored even a tiny fraction of the universe

Well shit, RIP sir

Ugh, this hurts. LOVED Pee Wee. Was hooked when I saw his original HBO special and his Playhouse show was appointment TV. As an 80's kid, it’s hard to articulate just how huge of an impact Pee Wee had on me and all my friends. Very sad day.

I laughed so hard at this episode. It was so good!

i saw a woman in my building leave the elevator in a full spider-gwen costume yesterday. shit is gonna be massive massive.

Hell, go even weirder. Throw in a quick nod to Devlin Bowman.

Actually, it was Metroid Prime Pinball.

oh, I know, I know! Hunters.

Dear Mr. President,

Came in here to cry “Nextwave Erasure!” but there was a recent issue of something that had her and x51 reunite and it was great!