
Which one, Linksys? That was one of my favourites too, before I got a smartphone

Great idea, we'll just give everybody on the planet a half-acre of land to live on!

I've been tempted to call mine "Linksys" just so I can see how many people try to use

Effective but not much fun :)

I have a spare Wifi Router called RCMP Mobile Observation Unit that I plug in from time to time, especially on weekends or thursday nights

You should do one called "How to turn off your Caps Lock" that I can send to my Grandma, because apparently my explanation was too confusing!

My uncle is an architect and landlord, and he uses these for the stock curtains for all of his properties. They look nice enough, they block an adequate amount of light, if a tenant wrecks it it's not a big deal, and most importantly, no rental place I ever lived in came with curtains, wtf??

"Hey everybody, which gadget/product/service/car is YOUR favourite?"

Be sure you do not become that which you rail against (Android fanboys who have claimed the online douchebag throne from Apple Fanboys should take note), and, the longer you stare into emptiness, shallowness, nothingness, the emptier and shallower you become. That's one read of it, I guess.

Try water if you have a snacking problem. My wife learned this in weight watchers years ago: If you find yourself craving some chocolate or a salty snack, force yourself to drink a glass of water instead, you'll probably find the craving just goes away. Not sure why, but I find it works.

I like room-temp water as well. But I ALSO like cold water. especially on a hot day

I usually just assume that restaurant food isn't as healthy as the equivalent meal I might make at home, and therefore the more advanced menu items are even worse. That doesn't mean I don't eat at restaurants, just that I'm not fooling myself.

If you don't like Chlorine in Tap water, you'll be happy to know that it evaporates out. Fill up a pitcher and stick it in the fridge overnight. You won't have the chlorine smell anymore

The "nothing to hide" people are dangerous and need to be confronted at every turn. They sit there smug in the belief that they will never have anything to hide, when every one of us is only one legislative act away from being on the wrong side of the law about something. Then they might have something to hide, but

I'd veer away from the first-gen Kobo myself. They have the refurb second-gen with Wifi for $80, I wouldn't go older than that :)

vote: Kobo

That's really surprising. Just about every Canadian bank has it. On the flip side, we can't deposit a cheque by taking a picture of it with an iPhone. I still have to drive to one of my bank's machines

That one looks better than the one I found. But regardless, if Lifehacker is showing us an app that requires a monthly fee to make it usable, they could at least do a bit of legwork and find the alternatives!

This seemed like a great idea until I saw 3.99 a month. That's pretty extreme pricing for an app that really accomplishes very little. Especially when an app like Baby Phone Deluxe gives it up for only 3.99 to buy the app, no additional cost, and can call ANY phone, not just another iOS device. And is available for

Probably. Don't any US banks allow for email money transfers? It's managed through Interac.