Kevin Camp Photo

And by that I assume you mean “dags” and “periwinkle blue”. :-)

Need me some dawgs and a petticoat blue trailer.

Seriously. A Miura body on a P100D chassis would be insane. 

Damnit. I want this. To me this thing is cooler then any 6+ figure car I’ve ever seen (in person or in print). I never felt bad that I couldn’t afford the latest Ferrari quatrofolienflameblowupanello or whatever but the want for this thing right here is emanating from deep within my loins.

If you can get the vast majority of places without a car, why have one. For a rare out of town trip, or even a costco run, you can just rent one (either a traditional rental or a zipcar-type thing) and it will still be vastly cheaper than paying to own, maintain, and park a car while not wasting space in cities for

“And the lawsuit is indeed a dumb one. In effect, they’re contending the increased traffic on side streets will cause environmental harm to the people who live there by directing traffic to 12th and 13th Streets, a disingenuous argument on its face because far more environmental harm comes from thousands of additional

“.. .slain, after all man’s devices had failed, by the humblest thing that God, in his wisdom, has put upon this earth. That humblest thing being Jenny McCarthy, who’s nonsensical anti-vax ramblings the Martians read and, to their eternal woe, were foolish enough to believe, and thus refused their pre-invasion

This is the first kit car every I’ve NPed.

There was a time when companies like La Dawri, Devin, and Kellison made sports car bodies and kit cars were 50s and 60s cool instead of 70s Kitsch. Those very cars have been featured at high end car shows like Amelia island, and many raced SCCA back in the day.

One of these. It’s literally bigger than many houses.

Hear me out here, but... maybe it’s not the internet killing auto shows. I recently bought my wife a mid-size luxury crossover, and it’s a perfectly nice car.

Bill approves.  Where is the custom Hanzo holder?  NP.

Nice article, and some solid tips. #1 would be a 2nd battery, with an isolater relay, to power up whatever else you want to run while the rig isn’t running. Also, one minor correction, you said, “and then charge the battery with the inverter while you’re driving the next day", but that would be the alternator doing

I’d also suggest a magnetic compass. If GS and cell phones fail you, having a simple compass makes paper maps far more effective, especially at night.

On this specific subject? No. In general? Yes.

You’ve pretty much articulated what I was feeling when I clicked CP. If you’re not shooting for a “real” replica, it would have been better even if built on top of a Camry TRD.

CP, not because it’s a replica (it isn’t, really), but rather a bad car, wearing a nice car’s suit.

ME: “I’m just going to pop over to Jalopnik and read the headlines, then get some work done.”

Most laughable is the bit about long-term battery health as if Audi gives a fuck about reliability outside of their warranty.

Don't apologise for shit Hogan. You spoke the truth and Audi fed you marketing garbage. Tesla for all their faults, has absolutely destroyed in battery and motor tech.