Kevin Camp Photo

Baby Driver + The Transporter + BMW Films (from early 2000's)?

As a French descendant I kindly take offense at this statement. This is what both “Good” and “Correct” cheese looks like:

If you could please pass Andrew McEachern’s contact information to the Ferrari F1 team, I would be most appreciative.

To complete this story you will have to drive a McLaren to Bruce’s birthplace of Auckland NZ. Now that’s a long drive.

I think the real story is that io9, a geek culture site, hired people who hadn’t seen Blade Runner. I’m pretty sure you get your geek card revoked for that. ;)

In some ways it is the hubris of modern man that we believe we have so conquered and tamed the world that we should be able to control every inch of it. The Pacific ocean is extremely large. It amazes me that we can find wreckage of craft when we know where they went down. One whose location was intentionally hidden,

Man, content must be lacking. All of these Comments of the Day are just things I read earlier in the day.

He’s actually Johnny Come Lately. The HOAs have been thugging people into submission for years.

People act like Donald Trump is the axis of the American Nazi Party.

For reference, this time is 37 seconds faster than the 2010 911 GT2 RS, a full minute quicker than the 2004 911 GT3 RS, and 9 minutes & 14 seconds faster than a Trabant P50.

I can see stationary objects, especially as big as shiny cars, at night no problem on the interstate when doing 10 over speed limit.

If you can’t avoid a stationary object that has been there for over an hour, you should be walking instead.

I think the greenhouse shape that your are looking for is the Fiat 2300S

When I saw the pictures I thought, “That looks like an Alfa Romeo combined with a Messerschmitt with a little Avanti thrown in for extra measure,” then I read Jason Torchinsky describing it the same way. Now I have serious concerns for my own sanity. To top it off, I legitimately love this thing with it’s nifty little

First...hand cranks for the windows! How awesome is that?

It helps that the suspension is $50,000+ worth of voodoo magic and ridiculous travel