Kevin Camp Photo

Whats your solution that doesn’t destroy our economy, the worlds economy, and kills more people that global warming ever will? When you have that, I suggest you patent it, open up a business, and make trillions.

Don’t forget PROFIT. The big 5 make huge profits on 1/2Ton trucks. There is little business case to sell trucks at a $30-40K, when they can sell trucks at $40-70K. Same as the SUV vs. Wagon debate. We all know wagons make more sense than SUV’s but the price ceiling on cars is lower than trucks.


It’s all the “truck” most people need, but for virtually no penalty why not get the more capable one? The Ridgline continues to be the truck for Honda fanboys who can’t buy anything else, with no other compelling reason to buy it. At least this version looks better.

Cop passing is illegal in a lot of places and the law’s enforcement is very regional. Some places are very serious about it.

Yeah me too, he’s like the maker Steve Irwin

Try it with the Triumph engine sometime. To change the starter you need to lie prone on top of the engine and changing the backup light switch requires a cold chisel to cut a hole in the transmission tunnel.

I’m 5’ 11” ahe the best way to describe the Midget (1978 in my case) is it’s the automotive equivilent of skinny jeans.

It’s group think ego. I’m in finance and I see it all the time. We lost a bid because we refused to go any cheaper. Our CEO’s opinion was “how could anyone do it cheaper than us” and “why would they?” All while I’m sitting in the corner saying.. yeah. ok.

I only wish that more of the current F1 drivers are like him, personality-wise.....

That is his natural state, and why he is awesome.

Watch it fullscreen at 1080... just a tad better than all the GoPro-filmed Navy and Air Force squadron deployment videos floating around out there.

The older M998 and M1097 HMMWVs didn’t have any protection.

That’s kinda like saying 19th century Europe was racist as fuck and imperialist garbage.

Frankly I was amazed their Apple Car didn’t have WeatherTech floormats and Dodge badges. Seems like a real missed opportunity.

Problem is they cost 45 grand. For 45 grand i don’t want GM build quality.

I still shoot on 120 film though I have a Nikon D7000. Why? Because shooting on film forces a photographer to PLAN his shots, instead of snapping them. No, you don’t use Polaroid or 120 film for shots which require speed or timing. But for those things that you plan, it can be quite rewarding to shoot in larger

Artists mostly. I shoot digital and I actually like the Fuji instax system better than Impossible but this thing is sweet.