Kevin Camp Photo

Terrible design for the pit lane. Why polish he concreete to the point that its zero friction even with super sticky wet race tires and why on Earth is there water standing there at all? You have a place where fast moving (relatively) vehicles are interacting in very close proximity to human beings and it looks like

The levels of pure disappoinment in the voice of the Russian announcers... epic.

I too feel this way. I hate it when riders die, but my respect for them in boundless. Everyone watches with dread every year, but also with eyes glued to see a racer do the spectacular when conquering the mountain.

Not sure what you expected from this race. This is how it has always been. Monaco is about qualifying well. As in most F1 races, qualifying well pays off by avoiding getting stuck behind other cars. In a super tight street course, that qualifying effort pays off in dividends by allowing the leader to establish pace.

How does one ever think spending $700,000 for the right to do a less than $100k a year job is a smart business move?

I have worked in and around foundries in manufacturing most of my adult life (35 years). This kind of thing happens when the company does not have proper safety and training for its people and for the plant. It’s nothing like movies where you can just throw things into the crucible or melting furnace. When a liquid

Crackpipe for me. The worst version of the venerable Vette. With styling cues taken from the inside of a refrigerator. Question: Did the same styling team style the Nissan Cube?

Have you guys never seen a thunderstorm? We get these every week or so.

Indeed. Of course it is New York, so everyrthing must be hyperbole and aggrandized.

When your next generation of target customers is struggling to afford a new economy class car, is coming to the realization that they will most likely never be able to own a home, a motorcycle that costs as much as a four door sedan is the last thing on their mind to buy, especially when the competition is making a

Another instance of operator incompetence blamed on an inaminate object.

That’s good to hear. I have seen the systems in place in Tulsa where I live and they look as old as dirt

We all see how poorly roads in this country are maintained. Imagine how poorly things are maintained and upgraded on the things you cannot see? Like water, sewer and electric infrastructure. Computers that are decades old in funky proprietary software systems that no one supports these days because the coder died of

There are some builders who use engines like this in hill climb specials. Use to you would see stuff liek this in dirt oval Midget cars too.

Obvious build quality aside, you only usually ejected when you don’t wear your seat belt/racing harness. He would most likely have been injured due to the poor quality of the build (NOTE: based solely on what we can see from cell phone pics), but most likely not dead.

Interesting. A new vessel that looks like its been at sea for 30 years already. Nice. So, how does it get the power it generates back onto land so it can be used? Just a big-ass extension cord hanging over the side? That would mean it has to stay at a port and if that’s the case, why bother making seaworthy? Do you

As with most all things, mainstream popularity is the downfall of all things. There is a reason why vanilla is a popular flavor, it’s unassuming and non-confrontational and appeals to the masses who need to be told what to like, much like pop music.
When F1 was a bunch of small garagistas with engine support from a few

Yeah, but that time honored Chrysler camel interior color is inspired by malaise and baby shit.

That’s vfery true. They tend to be nice people.

Driving erratically? More like driving to deliberately run over people.