
The Killing Joke is and was a good piece of material.

Not excited . . . but I hope this goes better than that time they tried dropping Image characters in like Grifter and Helspont and went no where.

I’m really not a fan of the brand split. And not for the reason I originally thought - too many belts diluting the “sport” aspect of the show. I mean, that sucks too.

But the talent drain has been bad - from NXT. That has had an effect on making NXT less interesting to watch. And it forced some performers up before

Question is, why did Obama never do ANYTHING despite dead children and years of time and red lines....

Because she did such a good job with the Russias as Sec of State.

Obama’s careful and considered approach that lead to nothing stopping in Syria and continued genocide. Yes, let’s defend that.

Also, given that the side opposing Assad is ISIS affiliated, of course you would pause taking refugees to implement a strong vetting system. The chance that US targeting terrorists would

It amazes me that, when you’re on one side of the coin, people refuse to realize that this is a mirror for some of everyones political opinions.

This is a left leaning site so that’s its audience. Try to imagine, without filling yourself with hate, what a lot of right thinkers see this as.

They view Democrats as trying

To be fair, this is an EO overriding and EO.

So, you can’t accurately say that “Republicans realized these things are a bunch of words that don’t matter” if they’re using the same method that Obama used.

What Obama signed wasn’t a law, wasn’t balanced by another branch, and had no Constitutional protections from being

This opinion may not be popular here, but this is what I’ve felt for awhile:

1-It seems like first, and foremost that the overall story telling across Marvel comics is shitty. That’s issue number one. Simplify, focus on getting better writers, coordinate without tying ever book tight together.

Never. I’ve never dined with a woman who was note my wife.

I think its funny that a political philosophy that would seek to not insult or harass the various cultures and philosophies in which people CHOOSE to live is so quick to attack someone who has done literally nothing wrong simply for how he and his wife have

Old Wisdom in nerdom - Whedon is the awesomest thing in the known nerd universe.

Again, mind reading. I disliked Civil War for a number of reasons.

Ant Man was the first film I didn’t buy right away (and still haven’t). Not out of hate but out of indifference.

As an aside, do you ever feel hesitant to discuss the issues with DC films? Every film or series of films has valid things to critique but

Thank You!

While I’m not as negative on the Marvel films as you are (though, not surprisingly you were most positive about my favorite in Winter Soldier), there are so many glaring negatives to Marvel films that get ignored by “critics”.

While I do enjoy the levity of the films (and that there has been some lacking from

And people wonder why I rail about the clear bias against DCEU here.

It’s funny to me the irony here.

The complaint about Trump is always something about fascism or being an authoritarian.

But here we have articles ripping into people not for disagreeing, but for not agreeing loudly enough.

If you knew anything about guns, actual “silencers” don’t silence things like the movies. SMH

If they were shooting to protect themselves, the neighbors would hear it. It doesn’t silence anything. Just takes the volume down to not ear damage level.

ICYMI - The left is anti-science and gets their concept of silencers (actually just suppressors) from films.


I think there is a segment where “its for the fans” applies.

I’ve read a lot of film criticism, and there are a precious few I actually trust thanks to comparisons between a criticism and seeing the film in person.

I do think that a portion of critics don’t appreciate or enjoy the genre. I’ve read plenty of critics

Emjoy the Rams LA ....