t('-'t)....The Unpronounceable (KTope)

I work at a car dealership, and every sales guy has one. Our CRM and credit app site runs out of Chrome, our work e-mail is hosted by Gmail, and all of our shared paperwork is shared via Google Drive. Everything that the sales guys have to do can be accessed by a Chromebook.

I was going to say how it's a great cheap secondary computer for a college student to take to class for notes, regular browsing and the like with great battery life. Unfortunately, there are now windows notebooks at the same price point so I'm kinda wishing I went with one of those instead. Having the ability to run

I have one as a dedicated writing platform. I can carry it literally anywhere, like a paper notebook, it weighs practically nothing, and the battery life is insane. I don't have LastPass installed on it, so I don't check my mail or Facebook when I'm supposed to be writing (I have no idea what my individual passwords

I always knew that Lil Kim was going to surpass the Notorious K.J.I.

Don't understand a word of Korean but you can just feel the reverence in the voice. Oh Kim Shady. God of Gods.

I rest my case.

This is not impressive, he just did it 100000 times and he only posted the one video where he didn't fall and die.

With ya 1000%. Even though I've probably done it 30-40 times at this point, at least for me, that "oh shit I broke it" feeling still happens every, single time.

Oh god, I just had a flashback to my first time pressing down a processor lock! I was positive I had both mashed the pins and cracked the motherboard. I could feel my heartbeat in my neck until the moment I test fired it and realized everything was fine.

Shhh, don't tell everyone!

While this may be a good introduction to LINUX I dunno that I'd call it a gateway to hardware. Putting together legos doesn't give quite the same feel as connecting wires, and fans, and a processor (and the terror that came with pushing down the processor lock for the very first time).

If you wish to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first invent the universe.

I've got your back, Tope! Even though it admittedly is pretty damn ugly.

Funny seeing a noiser here. It's the first time in ages.

I believe what you are referring to is actually the "Boon," and it inexplicably disappears for a couple weeks each month, and my three year old son is inconsolable and won't go to bed.

Ahahah. I get it... I'm not saying you're wrong, but I think the Moto 360 comes close to what regular people want from a smart watch (still seems to big for the average user), and the LG G Watch (round) looks just about right for the regular person.

All these products are missing is a little showmanship. There will be demand in exactly 6 days.

Everything Loki13 tells you is a lie. Remember that! Everything Loki13 tells you is a lie! Now, listen to this carefully, Computer: I AM LYING!

4 . . Pressing Ctrl-Alt-Del for themselves . .

I think it's only active if you have the Starbucks app downloaded, which means you've already asked for their product. I actually already have this turned on on my iOS7 phone, so I don't have to fumble looking for the Starbucks app when I'm ready to pay. I'm not sure that this is a new feature...