t('-'t)....The Unpronounceable (KTope)

1 is clearly the famous, "Lady in Blue walking into the Sunset" ... One of the many disappointing M. Night Shyamalan failures that were so popular in the early 2000's

Only $1500 to be hated by luddites? What a deal!

The idea is that if they have the technology to revive you from cryo stasis, they will have the technology to fix whatever else is wrong with you as well. Besides, the way current law is setup, if you were frozen before you technically died, those doing the freezing would be committing murder.

My sister-in-law brought her 5 year old Dell XP desktop to my house this weekend so I could check it out and make sure it could run Windows 8 and I could help her "download the update."

Because if "we" kill "them" for doing what "we" don't like, then "we" "win".

Sounds like a great way to set people up for robberies.

Ah I see, defending acts of terrorism with an act of terrorism. How...enlightened.

I can put a little money toward my in-car entertainment system by selling off the turn signals I won't be using any more.

As someone with a motor skill disability that keeps me from tying my shoes properly (and an aesthetic distaste for Velcro) this sounds excellent.

You can't read subtitles?

I seriously had 4 different female Asian friends at one point who all got hit on in private messages from MySpace Tom. He must've just scoured that site for Asian women in Southern California.

It was all about the lighting. There's a reason light is mentioned before magic in ILM's name.

Well, you can once.

As long as we don't get another pope telling us to kill all the cats, we should be good on rodent control.

A crummy commercial? Son of a bitch!

Remember to drink your Ovaltine!

Shouldn't Arizona's arrow point south?

Only because Toyota has forgotten about it too.

They made some pretty bad SS models but it wasn't the Cobalt SS