t('-'t)....The Unpronounceable (KTope)

Come at me, bro. After I'm done wailing on you, I'll stamp your forehead with my digital crown so everyone knows where your black eyes came from.


All these products are missing is a little showmanship. There will be demand in exactly 6 days.

Meh. I'd call it close enough to mutually-beneficial.

The review was glowing, and the media storm surrounding it created one of the most anticipated and hyped device launches in recent years, even by Apple standards.

Hellooooo 2002. My Grandmother is the only person I know who still uses email for social purposes, and even she has started migrating a lot of it to Facebook.

If you want to get into why email sucks in 2014, let's talk about getting your work email to work on your phone when you work for a small, tech-retarded

Phone bought, phone remotely bricked, phone returned to Apple at no charge.

I think it's actually close to being great-looking, and likely very close to what the real product will look like if they go with a rectangular display.

So...Apple's watch is going to cost ~$300, then?

"Sony's PRS-T3 e-reader..."

The human body is unlikely to be crushed to death by only 70lbs. I would imagine a protection frame is one of the things they plan to work out before the 200lbs version is ready.

"No such collective Klishina immediately gets funnels have everyone but it's not like it's me Girich place is also not fit all"

I forgot that was a thing. Thanks!

Is anyone actually buying these phones? I went to a conference with every executive in my company in attendance. Looking across the tables, I saw 5s, 5, 5s, 4s, S4, 5s...and so on. Similarly, in my branch, the managers, salesmen, technicians, receptionists, and others all have either iPhones, or budget or flagship

It's a fucking bug, they're disposable.

There was even a Christian court where the sex offenders could exercise.

What a magnificent creature...that this douchebag just grabbed by its head and hurled at the floor.

I wasn't aware of the technical issues, just the fact that they are leveraging their massive brand from an adjacent industry to make a big push. It may fold up a year from now, I have no idea, but I would put my money on them over AT&fuckingT.

I can't help but notice you refer to your group of friends in the past tense.

Piece of a packing peanut would be my best guess.