t('-'t)....The Unpronounceable (KTope)

Perfect! Now all I have to do is figure out how to exercise without improving my fitness, have sex without orgasm, and have a job without getting paid and I'll be set.

The networks aren't losing out on a single dime. The viewers are still watching commercials if they watch live broadcasts, and still skip over them if they are watching recordings, which is exactly how TiVo works. Does TiVo pay networks?

The television dinosaurs are refusing to innovate and evolve, resisting every

...and make everything shitty for telecom customers. Even corporations who have nothing to do with the telecom industry seem to have that motto.

Don't forget about Redbox Instant. Not exactly a streaming powerhouse right now, but certainly in a better position to gain some traction in the market with their trusted, movie-associated brand.

I used a system cleanser to pass a UA once. Before you argue that I would have passed it anyway, note that I am a seasoned smoker, and I have had over 100 UA's in my life.

Only the LS doesn't come standard with cruise, and only a fool buys the LS.

You mean, besides their unwillingness to continue paying to upkeep an ancient piece of software, when they have newer, better products that they would like to focus on?

That was literally my first thought. It's like a superpower for criminals.

As I also said to Settings; I'm an American. The choices for vehicles without an automatic transmission are very slim. Chevrolet, our biggest brand, only offers manual transmissions in about half of their vehicles, and many of those require the car to be either stripped of options, or equipped with a sporty trim

As an American, I assumed you were talking about an automatic transmission (I did mention shifting to 'park', after all). It's obviously not a great idea to leave a car idling in 'D' with the parking brake being the only thing keeping your car from hopping into someone's bumper or pedestrian crossing.

Setting a parking brake at traffic lights instead of shifting into 'park' is not very good advice. Also, there is nothing (mechanically) wrong with holding your foot on the brake.

As with any other source, digital or otherwise, information from Wikipedia is only as reliable as its sources. If you are too lazy to click on the source links, then you have no business researching anything, anywhere.

Motorola doesn't seem to have any interest in making a Droid 5, Blackberry could jump in with a flagship slide-out QWERTY Android phone. They won't, because they're Blackberry.

So, in short, people who are anonymously trading encrypted currency are being told keep their own records and pay taxes accordingly? Hold your breath, IRS. Please.

It's a nuthouse, only the lunatics are calling the shots. The permanent injuries I witnessed to guys just -training- were sickening.

Its a word. I'm sure there are better uses of your time than raising a pitchfork every time someone says a word that is being phased out of clinical use. 'Dumb' and 'moron' have similar origins, but I'm willing to bet you yourself use these words in casual conversation.

You have no business ridiculing others about physics.

Throwing a *HATED* video game character into their struggling mobile OS is a very Microsoft sort of idea.

Sometimes being the extreme minority is a damn good thing. Other times, not so much.

Oh, you poor dear!