t('-'t)....The Unpronounceable (KTope)

You leave hoverboards out of this!

It's not that they're not possible, we just don't have the materials engineering and production mastery required to actually do it. We may have a couple of materials that could get the job done (carbon nanotubes, graphine, carbyne), but the amount required FAR exceeds our production capabilities.

What a damned shame.

You...realize there will be other options other than the crew cab, right? Crew cabs sell more than other configurations, so they tend to be advertised more; that does not mean there won't be a regular cab available.

If there were anything worth remembering, that would be a damn shame.

You beat me to it. Yeah, if it gets a turbo 6, this will be it.

Or his unwillingness to break it down by region, which would be INCREDIBLY difficult and time-consuming, as applying it to only one country, or just the worst offenders, would, again, make the map useless. Drawing the lines politically illustrates the point he was trying to make.

I think that is accurate in countries who behave rationally. Unfortunately, this does not apply to every nuclear state. Also, many nuclear bombs are currently listed as missing. If even one of them were to be, or already has been, recovered by a terrorist organization with the resources to detonate it, we would all

Should he have left off a state because it doesn't contribute as much as the rest of the country? Should he have also cut out Montana, North Dakota, Oregon, and Idaho? How about Siberia in Russia? That would certainly make for a confusing and pointless map, wouldn't it?


The number of nuclear states is FAR higher than anyone imagined back in the Cold War era. Many more fingers on many more triggers, how could the possibility of nuclear war be more unlikely now than any other time?

Very nice build! Anyone who calls this pointless in the face of reasonably-priced Android tablets obviously knows nothing about the Raspberry Pi.

I like the way my shirt looks under an absence of light light.

My 80-year-old Grandmother uses :-)

Case closed.

Blaming a painting's poor quality on the paintbrush and the art store that sold it to you seems like an odd way of thinking, but, okay.

Pot, meet kettle.

Because intolerable prick.

Is there any particular reason they decided to make the front marker lights larger than the windshield?

It can be laid face-down on a table and pressed flat with a thumb. It has a display that does not break when flexed (which is why it is 720P), and a flexible battery. It cannot be folded into a pretzel, but it certainly is flexible.

"If in spite of this you still do not listen to me but continue to be hostile toward me, 28 then in my anger I will be hostile toward you, and I myself will punish you for your sins seven times over. 29 You will eat the flesh of your sons and the flesh of your daughters." (Leviticus 26:27-30)

"I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man. She must be quiet."