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    Foot? No. This was shooting themselves right in the temple.

    Where’s that South Park “I’m Sorry.” clip...

    They’ll just cozy up to the execs of these dev companies who will then decree to those who actually do the work that they will be using it. “Pulling a Denuvo” I call it.

    Instead they will implement this plan in smaller, more easily hidden ways. Little bump here, little more of a bump there. It’ll still happen, just not immediately.

    Honestly, the only thing they will “learn” from this hilariously awful decision is to be more discreet in their BS. Hopefully, enough devs jump ship that

    Didn’t his Superman movie get canned $30 million in because he left to work on a different film midway thorough?

    And the scalpers bought them all up already.

    If they wanted to test the waters, a battle royale “99" game isn’t the correct barometer to use.

    When it turned out to be F-Zero 99 I felt like I could audibly hear a fart sound after that reveal.

    The remake music from Mario RPG sounds so good!

    In before the shmucks come in spouting right wing nonsense.

    Mama Mia

    “They just have the absolute most insane expectations. They could have shipped through to literally half the PS5 global install base and still been disappointed.”

    This. Absolutely this. The eternal “arrow must always go higher” mentality that forces astronomical goals is such a damn cancer that even games that are

    I just chalk it up to global warming.

    Bring Astarion and have him ungrouped, have your MC talk to the vendor in the Druid Grove to face him away from the path. Pickpocket vendor and have Astarion skedaddle away for a bit. Release the MC from the convo and proclaim innocence. Wait about 30 seconds for the guy to stop searching for you.

    I mean, with either the world about to end or their own lives at risk, why not live it up when they can? They can thirst away!

    Fuck Embracer

    Games yes, but generally still need to pay for the lowest tier to utilize any online functionality, sadly.

    Aaand not the PS5 Street Fighter...

    This makes me so sad :(

    Is he as much of a hack in that game as he is at directing?