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    You can disagree all you want. Doesn’t change the facts that the vast majority got negatively affected.

    Unfortunately, the RMAH affected those who didn’t use it too. So it wasn’t an option to just “ignore it”.

    Fault the ones that run it, not her.

    Foamstars looks like a Nintendo lawsuit ready to happen. So does Project Q.

    Fairgame$ looks like they combined Payday with the Divisions pvp clusterfuck. Intriguing, but I’m sure I would despise getting ganked for the 1000th time within 1 day in that game.

    Given Amazon announced they were working on a LOTR MMO, I’m actually inclined to believe it was them.

    Why do I have a feeling that none of these numbers are taking into account the fact that production and availability has increased due to pandemic supply chain issues easing, and thus allowing more people to get their hands on the consoles and not having to deal with fucking scalpers hoarding all the shit.

    Another parent not taking responsibility for their kids actions.


    Oh just let them be together in one of the games for chrissakes.

    Might not be much different nowadays, but previously you could get someone working there that had an inkling of knowledge about games.

    A lot of us started at 17 and basically ran with it through college til we got better paying jobs, and being a lot of us finished college during the late 00s during that recession... Yea, that basically meant we were there til we hit our late 20s.

    10+ years of Gamestop work, and the higher ups just made things worse

    I prefer physical copies of things. So, digital downloads aren’t applicable here.

    They should have through a Halyx reference in there somewhere.

    You’re arguing with a cultist.

    As cool as it would be to have both Homelander and Omni-Man there, I feel that’s kinda the same character in terms of ability sets... Might as well throw Superman into the mix while they are at it.

    Wasn’t the Xenomorph in MKX?

    Sadly, it’s one of the few actual storefronts that sell games that isn’t a big box store.

    They’ll blame everything BUT the actual cause.

    Funny part is Disney stock went UP after the news broke

    I didn’t mind the stock photo to be the basis for a design, but they should have done something more than just plop in a photoshopped jpeg.