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    I have questions...

    That’s the doublespeak he has been doing for a decade now.

    Dunno. How many rockets were strapped to their backs and ignited?

    Cant wait for Overwatch 3, where PvE story mode will be a totally real and not bs thing!

    Why do I have a feeling there were some torrents planted by Nintendo themselves to find out who will pirate it?

    The players haven’t forgotten their crappy “prize” from the previous game.

    These motherfuckers turned LoZ into fucking Minecraft.

    And don’t forget to brush up on your buzzwords!

    Really smart texture programming and shading.

    I’m adding a tree branch.

    Elmu: “Hey everyone! I have picked a new CEO, but I’ll still be holding on to all the other executive positions around her and making sure any decision goes through me first, so I can keep doing all my nonsense without any blame! It’s not my fault anymore even though I’m still definitely calling the shots! Please

    Have you seen who she follows on the birdsite?

    Bought discounted Nintendo gift cards from Costco, used discounted cards to get the vouchers, obtained TOTK for the equivalent of $40.

    That is a crazy catchy tune.

    This is like that list the Simpsons did on the bad things 45 did they rolled right before election day.

    “I picked a new CEO! I’m going to stick around and make all the decisions and fuck everything up even worse, but none of the blame to me anymore! Please direct all blame for my bad decisions to this hand picked puppet of a CEO!”

    So... like Pandora.

    Here’s a better fucking question, why is a fucking pension plan involved in volatile stock market investment?

    The dumb ones are 100% doing this as a control measure to sate their fucking egos.

    He would certainly be the final boss.