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    Jennings: “This item is the main way for the host of Jeopardy to give the answers”

    I kinda like that FINAL BOSS aura around it.

    I kinda want the final round of that Tournament of Champions to be two players, and tehn have Ken Jennings introduce them, and then a third podium lights up and he introduces himself as Player 3

    That’s not too far off, sadly.

    That shoulder sack is taxable, as are his fighting tournament proceeds.

    Neither can Johnny Cage, according to pretty much all the dialogue in the games.

    Unless they are planning to change the Cage into that gruff “grr I’m so angry it’s my defining character trait” character that we see bloody everywhere nowadays... I would be disappointed if that was the case.

    Now THAT would be a movie.

    Well, their idol runs it, so...

    Can we not give that little prick attention? Thanks.

    I still say it should be The Miz. That’s essentially the guy’s entire character already.

    Every commute is an ADVENTURE!

    Perhaps they lost their computers in the lawsuits.

    Ryu does his taxes.

    He tends to fire those who tell him something is a bad idea.

    Public transit shouldn’t be a roller coaster ride”.

    As a person, certainly. As a writer? No.

    At this point, that blue checkmark is a sign of ridicule, paid or not.

    If you wanted your remains spread out, this is quite the efficient way of doing it.

    An astronaut so nice they cremated them twice!