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    I guess Casey Hudson got butthurt when the entire writing staff yelled at him for pulling an Ed Wood on Act 3 of ME3.

    I’m gonna laugh if all this is because the AI they forced into the system has trouble with the extra numbers.

    The ambiance was really good for sure. 

    There’s expecting perfection, and then there’s expecting a game to be released in a form that could somewhat justify paying that price tag. There’s a line representing that level, and while it may vary from person to person, this game by the vast majority of accounts did not reach it, and the reason being is the fact

    They do a bunch of little things right, and I can definitely see a good game under all of the issues.

    Yea, those idiots I tend to just ignore. Generally whenever someone screams “woke” it’s a good signal to just go “mm hmm, sure buddy, ok. You go play with your blocks now” and move on to a different review.

    Personally I was just hoping for a good co-op shooter as Back 4 Blood was lacking and I’ve played Borderlands to death. I was very excited for this one, but I put the blame square on this shell that was once Bethesda for rushing this one out the door before it was finished.

    I feel there is the potential for a great game underneath all the issues. It was definitely released far too early and you can tell just by how unpolished a lot of it is. There are a few bright spots, as I love the art style, map design, the gunplay feels smooth (when the game isn’t tearing or sputtering), lots of

    Love the idea and execution.

    Yea, no shit. A vast number of people were saying that, and he can complain all he wants to that pile of money he got for it while the rest of us suffer.

    I feel the vast majority of that “cost” goes right into an execs pocket while the pay for those actually doing the work haven’t raised much.

    Yea, those delivery services tack on like $5-10 in fees and tip to any order. It’s honestly not worth that extra cost unless you order a mountain of stuff. These delivery companies hiked the prices so much from the pandemic it’s ridiculous.

    Add that to the already increased cost of food, and I never use delivery

    Just like how counting Global Offensive or Source doesn’t qualify as counting to 3.

    That’s one of my favorite behind the scenes case studies. The backstage was just as much, if not more, of a mess as the on-stage product.

    That 1993 one was a disaster, but good lord it was an entertaining disaster. So bad it’s now beloved for how awful it is.

    I wonder how many legs Writ is on at this point.

    Interesting they are removing alignment of all things.

    I call them shitheads. It’s the most accurate term

    I really enjoyed these games.

    And when they show that those crappy movies don’t sell nearly as much, the fad will die back down a bit. See also comic book movies. Yea there were some smash hits, and a surprisingly long streak of decent ones in a row, but that luster is wearing a bit.