
I don't know, I'd quite like to see a CW version of Preacher:

This 'it was forced' crap is really obnoxious. You have an entire paragraph complaining about the specifics of a hetero love polygon, and there's no complaint there that it's forced. We get it, you think gay people are abnormal, and seeing them in your media is I dunno, frustrating or something? Get over it. Dude's

Why is Ollie using a compound bow?

Fitz displays his Inhuman superpower... Sassy eyes!

It's a well-known ass.


But it looks so bad! The wires are so obvious. Especially on Thor! He just looks ridiculous.

Fitz is my new favorite character (after Coulson of course)

I really appreciate the degree to which this show keeps disrupting the status quo. The characters develop over time and the plotlines intersect in unexpected ways. In addition the call-outs to classic Marvel lore are very entertaining. Can't wait to see how Age of Ultron shakes things up even more!

Opening with NIGHTCRAWLER. Bold move, Marvel.

"shot Colleen Barga-Milbury, 52, twice "

I don't think this season sucks, but it certainly lacks a sense of direction. Look at all of the potential season-long arcs that have been resolved:

Um, because Oliver keeps jumping to the defence of a mass murderer (who also caused both his parents' murders and set him for his 5 year absence) for flimsy reasons while ignoring his friends and family? Because the whole "Malcolm set up Thea to get Oliver to challenge Ra'as" barely makes sense? The flashbacks are now

Unfortunately the last 3 episodes of Arrow have pretty much ruined any trust I have in these writers. I mean I love Sara, but the plot this season sucks so badly, and I have to wonder if the dip in quality has anything to do with stretching the team between Flash and Arrow. Adding another show to this isn't likely to


Matt didn't wear the Daredevil costume until the last page of the seminal Man Without Fear miniseries.

except she's being more reasonable than Ollie, the guy who doesn't want the league to take care of Merlyn, a mass murdering, manipulative man. Saving Thea's soul is such bs that he even said it was because Ras beat him!! The only fault in the logic of Laurel was not using the freaking canary cry, since I'm sure merlyn

Felicity got laid. That's the title of this posting, period. It was so long overdue it hurt.