
Yeah I just...I think I’m most disappointed in Sara Gilbert. How damn dense (and desperate for relevance) do you have to be to go along with that nonsense?

You may be on to something. Because there’s no such thing as a bad idea anymore.

I mean, at least President Camacho had Joe, who was the smartest guy on earth at the time. President Brawndo here got the Ow! My balls! girl.

and she won’t support Roseanne Barr having free speech?

Donald Trump....Kim Kardashian....discussing a domestic policy issue.

THIS. The way Gilbert is behaving you’d think she spent the last 25 years in hermetically sealed lucite bubble. Barr was problematic and abusive even during the first run of the show (I had the misfortune of personally experiencing that) and has only gotten worse in the past 10 years - Obama birther conspiracies, her

Clearly, Roseanne is not even remotely sorry for what happened. Here are all the people she’s blamed for her own actions while she’s busy retweeting conspiracy theories and ape pictures of Valerie Jarrett.

Sara Gilbert can fuck right off with her equivocating. She was one of the producers of the show and helped to get the show rebooted. She knew she was getting in bed with a deranged nutjob. Then she tries to make it seem like the show can exist separately from Roseanne and Roseanne’s opinions shouldn’t have any effect

I mean, they won’t be. She said horribly racist things that violate twitters policy yet here we are.

Keep digging that grave, Roseanne.

KKW would be a better First Lady than Melania and I would not wish being Trump’s spouse on my worst enemy.

I googled photos of Obama in the White House and didn’t find any as arrogantly posed as this. Does 45 demand to sit as the head of all tables, even round ones?

I think I’m ultimately OK with saying “team nobody” here. Sure, it sucks that people are out of work, but c’mon, you hitched your wagon to that shit show. Own it and move on. Her “friendship” or whatever relationship the rest of the cast has with her is not worth it and hasn’t been for a while.

I hope Kim Kardashian taught Trump how to contour properly. We’ll know next time if the blinding white circles around is eyes are blended better.

That also works, as Bannon is a gammon, minus the being British part.

Roseanne Barr had a million and one chances to change, and be a better person. A person who didn’t say ugly, racist, terrible, inexcusable things. God knows she had the money for therapy. She could have become a better person at any time in the last 10+ years of racist conspiracy hateful ranting.

In Ambien veritas, apparently.

Roseanne won the lottery over 30 years ago and is too stupid and arrogant to understand her incredible good fortune. Like many, she was in the right place at the right time. No education, limited talent, lucky to be a greeter at Walmart. Trashes her career in her 60's by aligning herself with The Worst Person In The

I don’t get these “teaching moment” comments. A teaching moment does not a learnable person make. They taught me math in high school, but I never learned it. You can try to teach Roseanne in this moment, but I doubt she’ll learn anything besides how bad she can fuck her own career.