
...character questioned endless on Fox News...

It’s shameful that James Shaw jr. has not been honored by the POTUS or VP for his act of bravery.

The right would so just be saying “THE DEMS ARE TRAFFICKING 1500 KIDS! GET THE GUNS AND MEET AT THE PIZZA PARLOR! #MAGA” at this. Maybe the left should just pack it in and give it a shot.

I promise you Melanie’s staff ONLY noticed the original tweet because it had a picture of Melanie with her john.

I agree with you. I’m happy for this guy, but in this extremely anti-immigrant climate, it’s a really insidious message to send. People are only worth being in a country if they’re willing to risk their lives? Yikes.


Not sure, but I think he was on another balcony, on the other side, separated by a wall between them. If that’s the case, it was probably a very awkward angle, making it even riskier to pull the kid up as Gassama was able to do.

I think it’s great that this dude saved this kid, and that the dude got rewarded and recognized, but.....

Macron has crap views about Africa and its people, but he actually did the right thing by this amazing man. No chance of the Grand Wizard on the other side of the Atlantic to even make any pretense of seeing black people as humans in any capacity.

In the U.S. he would have been detained and the rescued child sent to foster care.

For regular migrants to france the process is pretty bad. They’re giving him citizenship specifically because it is so hard for people like him to get.

Damn... We might as well just give the Statue of Liberty right back to them because we sure as hell don’t deserve it, anymore.

French President Emmanuel Macron invited the young man to the Elysee Palace on Monday and presented him a certificate and a gold medal “for performing an act of courage and dedication,” according to CNN.

Nectarine Noriega would’ve deported his ass or ignored him altogether.

I even remember a line from one of my social studies books in elementary school saying how the Europeans were surprised at how open and almost park-like some of the forests were, due to the Native Americans clearing the underbrush using slash-and-burn, in contrast to the dense forests of Europe.

Not to mention that Derp Furor’s grandpappy fled the German Empire to avoid the draft in the early 1900's, tried to return, and was kicked out for dodging the draft.

Where tamed means stole.

Hooray for the triumph of American Exceptionalism over actual history! You never have to apologise for anything if you never think you’ve done anything wrong.

Daughterfucker actually

This MF.