
A statement isnt always true, but it isn’t up to me to close your back door lol

You spend too much time telling people they’re wrong. Right or wrong, companies often overlook morals, understandably. People still get to have their opinions and chances are, they’re not as immoral as robbing you, so why argue everyone?

South park is meant to laugh at stuff we take too seriously, I thought.

Or does it point fun at the conflict that comes from caring?

I find older episode of South park to not hold the humour very well. The confusion may be obvious to some, but what I’ve seen of South park the last couple years had me thinking the show got better.. Better in terms of it being appropriate, no. Just better in terms of laughs. To say jokes are for some and not others,

Am I right to consider this hype a little? For 20 dollars, it’s difficult to even mention. If it was in development for so long, I’m kind of disappointed with levels in between boss fights seeming like filler. It looks neat though, great review!

The first time playing forza for me, was horizon 3 for the pc. I’ve never played but that game seemed to give me all races/cars almost right away. When I finish something, it doesn’t always get removed, sometimes just a trophy. For that reason, there became less direction and I became less interested lol I hope forza

It’s bad that more happens to someone who says “nigger” than someone who kills one.

But you are here. You saw my suggestions and you can use YouTube. You will find that it doesn’t require a layman of any kind and you will enjoy the benefits. If it’s not worth it, in the future, as an enthusiast of couch/splitscreen pc gaming, I hope things become even easier. As far as not knowing before hand despite

Then YouTube my friend.

Longer hdmi cord, better router and a steam link? Connected htpc? All possible solutions :)

My computer room and bedroom are adjacent to each other and I have a long hdmi that hooks my pc in the computer room to a mounted 50" in my bedroom. You can use a steam link or other options, but the hdmi route has less latency and is cheaper than the steam link and a the cost of a good router for in home streaming.

Some titles for articles stretch the truth, this outright lies. Karma does unspeakable things to liars.

Omg! Flying bikes! Guess I’ll reinstall gta :D

1up to everyone with clean controllers. I love you!

I never keep my controller long. I Hate a gross controller, seems like grease would be more slippy?

Increasing resolution, among many other visual variables is always worth it to an enthusiast. Personally, there are a few things holding me back. My internet. It’s 5mbps down and 1mbps up. Also, the lack of 4k content (not as big of an issue anymore, unless of course.. Internet. Lol) Then, there’s computers. I don’t

Lol Gtx 1080, i7 6700K, 32gb ddr4 - not enough, it’s not current enough, you need a better rig... Or screw Ark.

I prefer people watching, I feel like it makes me play better. Neat how different our experiences can be lol

The B definitely has boobs