
What if some of them are reversible?

Is that a terrorist training course? Someone call Homeland Security.

Pfft? Wild dog? I suppose if you want to be /mainstream/ about it. No, I use thighbones of rock hyrax, which is tricky because they’re so tiny. I lash them together with strips of emu sinew, softened in authentic Lutheran frog mucus. Protestant mucus will do in a pinch, but you just don’t get the same sheen. The

“We go live now to Florida where a huge cock will be shot into orbit. Tom?”

Oops. That was supposed to say “does”. I’ve fixed the typo.

Can you imagine the psychological damage to these kids? This is nothing less than child abuse by the state.

I just don’t get why the prosecutor is so bent on ruining these kids lives for doing what they literally ALL do.

judging by the part that actually goes into your ear, there’s no way these are as large as “a short stack of poker chips” lol...they don’t look that big to me, it’s just that the pic is blown up larger than actual size

I’m hoping the arrival of Cortana on the XB1 will mean the old awkward voice commands will be replaced by more natural command prompts.

I’m at the point where I feel like if a self-driving car ends up killing me in the worse manner imaginable, I’d be content that they now have another data-point to improve the system.

It’s the only way to prove who loves their children more. My parent’s gave me a vanilla cake covered in grocery store frosting. Clearly, they hated me.

Thats what I want to know

Can I tell my Windows 10 computer to do things from my phone?

Don't you mean "Bloodbath and Beyond?" :grin:

Needs more touchscreen.

I was excited about this until I read the part about the required pressure.

Still, it’s a breakthrough and a step in the right direction.

Unfortunately, the surface of the sun isn’t the hot place where the fusion is taking place. The solar surface is about 5778 Kelvin, the core is about 15 million K, and fusion reactor designs usually have to use still higher temperatures to compensate for the far lower pressures. I think ITER is hoped to run at about

Recently there was news about a theoretical material they were working on making that could withstand earth’s core like temperatures (which was basically 2/3 or 3/4 that of the temperature of the sun).... so at least our theoretical material capabilities are coming along if we could actually produce any of

I believe your calculation is based on the extra water that will now be available (stated in number of people, 8100) rather the total number of people in L.A. Basically, the water saved from evaporation is enough for 8100 people per year, not that it will be provided to only 8100 people.

I know I sext all the time. I'll ask my wife tonight and see if she does too.