
Kinect is brilliant. Try taking Kinect away from a user who was been using Xbox One... I pause, launch and even fast forward and rewind without touch the screen. Jumping into my apt. and shouting xbox on, while taking off my shoes i shout “xbox go to Netflix”, walk across the room and i'm ready to start enjoying. it's

Anything about compatibility with old software and games?

Depends on the size of the drone I assume. A tiny hummingbird thing—easily swatted down. An end-table sized quadcopter—probably the same. A six-foot device—yeah that would probably do some serious damage to rotor blades if it hit. I’m sure there’s a weighting involved, but if it’s big enough to show up on radar I’m

Sometimes you just gotta let google take the wheel.

Imagine getting into a fender bender, getting out of the car, and seeing a car covered in sensors, cameras, and radar. I can’t imagine thinking anything else but “fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck.”

Conical blocks, I assume, to get the curvature of the Earth.

I was reading about the Ashfall Fossil Beds in Nebraska the other day and came across this:

So is the blade metric or SAE?

The problem is that you don’t know if this is a positive or negative infinity.

So, George Lucas is not a rocket scientist, is what I’m getting here.

/although he is the guy who ran a 5K in less than 3 kilometers.

Six. Hundred. Dollars?

Next stop, THE MOON!

But srsly, I feel you. I feel like not enough people around me are adequately excited.

Over react a lot? Next on Gizmodo: “Print This Shiv At Home.”

your numbers look right from a casual glance. only issue would be around the 30 year mark. you would need to start factoring in the rate of the accelerated expansion of spacetime. when you do that, i think you might never actually reach the edge of the observable universe. i’d have to run the numbers.

Wait til they come out with Mindy Mcfly and Doc Emilia Brown.....that’ll be the day.

Even this one?

It looks better on fire.

Is there a time machine that skips five seconds into the future so I can blow past those annoying pop-up video ads?