
So let me get this straight. Kris jenner threw a Great Gatsby theme party. Great Gatsby a book that’s basically about how new money people are gauche, full of artifice, and dead inside. It’s almost too funny. To bad it went completely over their heads.

They’re not real vampires, though. “South Park” taught me that they only drink clamato juice.

I miss Pam.

If this whole mess doesn’t get turned into a movie starring JK Simmons, I give up on Hollywood.

This is the most complicated suicide ever.

Quartz notes that violence against women in Sierra Leone is “commonplace,” and rape rarely results in conviction.

Five boxes did it for me! Then I ate 50 bacons, and now I’m bi.

She also doesn’t seem to realize that NBC isn’t the government and the first ammendment has nothing to do with who gets cast on a TV show.

They actually play Quodpot, accidentally invented in the eighteenth century. It’s a variation on Quidditch with an exploding ball.

“We once had an uncle who was a literal Nazi but this baby between consenting adults is the worst disgrace this family has ever seen.”- The Queen, probably.

“It’s the biggest scandal the royals could ever face.”

I prefer this pic:


I was having a “discussion” with someone about sending astronauts to mars. He stated the first team should be all male, to prevent “space babies”.

Emulate! adorable but deadly

So cool!! Props to all the cosplayers and their fabulous creations!!

Here are a few more pic from the Time Lord Fest...I’m the one in the K-9 poodle skirt!

Can they leave Jen out of it this time? Let's stop this farce that he was the hero of the first movie and give Kira the credit she deserves.