
So excited for the new Sanderson book, I’m right in the middle of the Mistborn series reread, and I loved Alloy of Law. So glad he returned to this world!

Ya, but here it’s FREE!

If you’re going to wear a “dress” like that then at least go the full mile and wear a c string.

She just might!

Ya, that whole setting up a commune with his buddies, wandering from place to place without a job, living off the handouts of his friend’s families, curing the sick for free and feeding the hungry with a couple loaves of bread and fishes without charging them a single penny is Capitalism 101, duh.

Love this movie!

What back alley clinic are you going to that they only charge $200 for an abortion?!

That’s ‘cause Whitey kept killing all the women that came into his life ‘cept Cathy, that is. I doubt the female roles were very big beyond meet Whitey, get killed by Whitey, repeat. The man was a fucking monster.

You’re the Benjamin Button of pop culture. You’ll be jamming out to the Wiggles on your death bed!

I”m sorry, I should’ve been clearer. In a bid to convince people that while she was lying about not using lip injections when it was clear to everyone she was and her “I swear I’ve always looked like this” sisters had to convince her to tell the truth, she is most certainly not lying about not having breast

ONTD actually paid for an account and gave a step by step breakdown of everything on Kylie’s site. It’s pretty sad, I’ve seen blogs written by 13 yr olds with better content. There’s a whole section that’s just links to where you can buy clothes Kylie wears in paparazzi photos, another where she explains how bras work

Oh my god, reinvest it!

And now I’m going to have nightmares about that thing, again, but I see your point.

You’d like to think that but she’ll show you! There are tons of cultures she can appropriate for the purposes of selling crap pop music just you wait and see!*

Oh, no. I meant that I’d read interviews with Moffet who said he specifically wrote the last season finale and the Christmas special with her exit in them, because she said she wanted out, but that when they got to filming she decided, both times, that she didn’t want to leave after all. And Moffet simply rewrote the

Honestly? I learned to recognize wig/weave use and misuse by reading hip hop gossip sites and paying attention to the comments.

They said that last year too...

That’s not a spoiler. The book is 5 years old, if you haven’t read them by now then boo-fucking-hoo. Learn to fucking read.

Weaves and wigs. It’s all weaves and wigs.