Jenna Magpie

You ever want to get into politics and run with that platform, I'll come work for your campaign. (Bad experience that makes me now almost GLAD I can't eat fast food anymore due to celiac.)

And..... that's why nothing will change. Sorry too many words, sorry it was a full view and not something that fits on a bumpersticker. And if you think no one is killing people without guns? Take a look at what's going on in Africa. Lots of folks dead or missing limbs from nothing more high-tech then a hatchet. I

It's a toss up between two. Either the 8 hour plane ride sitting next to a parent who had decided that their 7 year old was not only so 'small' they could just sit on mom's lap (no, they weren't. And I have no clue how they pulled off not buying a ticket for him) but he was also 'too young' to understand the word 'no'

Now THAT is a political campaign idea that wouldn't make me want to bang my (or anyone else's) head into a wall.

Pasty is the look to court as a teen - the 'nerd' girls who get knocked for being so damn pale? Let's just say you definitely get the last laugh later. A few months ago I ran into a few of the cheerleaders who gave me so much crap back in the day and dang near widdled myself laughing. I don't tan. Can't. I practically

I am such a dork...

It's such a nice change of pace to see celebs actually using their money and connections to do real good! The scarcity of fresh healthy food in so many cities is mind blowing - I manage to cook and feed my husband and I really healthily on about $60 a week (and because I have celiac, we both eat GF at home to same $$

Eep! In the long reply to that, I made an error in typing, it's supposed to be that kids in Switzerland AREN'T picking up those guns. Wish I knew how to edit a post. God I hate tech some days.

Had actually written a reply last night when my brain apparently took a holiday and somehow managed to cause a twitch that ripped the computers powercord out of the wall. There are days when I start to think I'm seriously not cut out for technology. Trying again -

Oh thank heavens someone reacted sensibly to that idiotic statement. It isn't about the gun. It's about the 7 step PLAN to rape and murder another child, using a knife as well, that's the issue. To default to "Blurgh, Guns BAD." is just... ugh. Did the guy miss the point where they were openly playing with a knife

Not a problem! lol

AH! Oops, sorry, my fault, I wasn't clear (ripped out my kitchen 2 weeks ago, in the home stretch and it's completely safe to say some rather vital portions of my brain are NOT firing on all cylinders. Somewhere between total frantic exhaustion and paint fumes I lost some clarity - my apologies) about how I dealt with

Guys could skip the whole 'asking' thing and just go straight with the yes being assumed like my husband did - save a lot of nervous bother all around!

And not only am I not okay with a stranger coming to my house with my purchase - with no way to really trace WHO this person is and why they are on my porch... I can't really think this is safe the other direction either. Some poor schlub trying to get a discount on their OWN purchases goes, without any real trail of

Sometimes, folks do fiddle with things they shouldn't, honestly thinking they are helping. A few years ago I had a friend mail me a large letter that, in an odd mood, they had drawn a few Far Side inspired Darwin-y type cartoons on the back. I didn't get the letter for almost two weeks, until our nice older

A year ago, I likely would have taken you up on the offer for the smacking. Between celiac, other issues I'm finally rebuilding my system from (let me put it this way - if I was a building? My parents would ~never~ have gotten a permit to build me. Nothing close to a solid safe foundation to work with. Thankfully, a

Not as often as the length of these replies is starting to make me think I should... jeesh, sorry about this. Didn't really realize I was such a little rage bomb waiting to go off until, well. About 2 hours ago. It's getting better, it's just frustrating. One of the biggest problems is that celiac is a hidden disease,

I've been told - I'm lucky, that it's not FAIR that losing weight is now so EASY for me, and my personal favorite was when the wife of a friend of my husband's went into an honest to God hissy fit about how wrong it is that life is now so overwhelmingly easy for me because I have such a lucky break to have celiac -

Amen and damn skippy. Every time I have to hear a friend tell me how 'lucky' I am to have celiac and how great it must be to have such a great diet, I have to resist kicking them in the shins. Hard. Because they just reenforce the idea that this IS a diet, it's a choice (well, okay, fine. Technically it is, I could