
It's just a little vacation sir, is there a problem?

Could operate at a ridiculous distance from the surface...

I'm gonna burn in hell (and the internet) for this joke but ... "maybe it means that it comes with auto parking and self driving!"

The glass gives you a flat surface for the sandpaper. Using wet/dry papers, you can get grits up to 3000, and keeping the glass damp also helps to keep the paper from sliding around. The water on the paper helps to move around the waste metal and keep the paper from clogging as quickly.

I really wish that these had been marketed under the brand of Circle K!

Another tip for sharpening things like knives and chisels is the "scary sharp" technique. It is very cheap to put together a good assortment of grits and the results are incredible. Instead of using stones, you are using sandpaper and a piece of glass, and you can get a mirror finish on your edges.

looking for the downside here... still looking.... best I can do is the dumpster objected to the company forced upon it. Seems to me that many US statesman could use this treatment as well.

Everything but the class. He left that at home.

The good news is that they probably have their email backed up in the same place as the IRS.

Have you seen the school meatloaf?

Well Porsche makes the Cayenne as well, and the sales of those are what makes things like the gts and Carrera GT possible.

That's kind of like saying "that's only attempted murder, go back and try again until you get it right." You know that driving drunk is going to get someone injured or killed, it just hasn't happened yet.

Why does that seem extreme to you? The 4 DUI's only mean that he was caught 4 times. It doesn't keep a tally of all the times that he didn't get caught. How many more punches do you think he has left on his "didn't kill anyone this time" card? And it won't be him. It will be some poor family in a minivan that he

Hell, that's what they use for oil well fires, so why not schools too? "nuns and orphans in the clearing, request Willy Pete, over."

So, I guess this means we can expect to see more... Windows in the next update!


"Did you know that for a few bucks, or maybe just a hot meal, you can get Screech from Saved by the Bell to come over to your house and give you your own personal Dirty Sanchez"