
*///Wants to see live action Gorillia Grodd show*

I stopped a long time ago.


Monkeys have stopped flinging their poo. Instead they just throw DVDs of this movie around.

Don't go hatin on teh Pixar. It isn't their fault. Eisner was the one to make the decision to go all CG. This was one of the reasons for the Disney/Pixar split (which never really happened, but it got Eisner fired. All good).

Got no time to play with myself.


Maybe it's the day and age where most pinballs don't exist IRL, and video pinball feels kinda contrived. There's no 'feel' to it. A good (read in my case: mediocre) pinball player knows the 'feel' of his machine. It's just not the same.

Why is it always the first one of everything is free?

So ... now you really know who WAS the

F-ing miracles.

This is why everyone said it was so short. I only went to video if I was stumped. I tried to solve all the puzzles myself but since I'm a derp who doesn't look around well enough well.. let's just say the walkthrough was on standby...

I'll buy one if they make it in green so I can sneak up on people and hiss in their ear!

Um maybe at retail, but rental companies get charged up the wazoo to rent out what you would buy at Wal-Mart for $20. Like $60 or $70.

Join the crusade! Send potatoes to Sony to reboot the system. GLaDOS will thank you!

Gotta go to Chicago. Going to Chicago. Can't wait. Going to Chicago. Dad, I'm in Chicago. I'm proud of you son. Dad are you Chicago. Yes and now we are a family again. Chicaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaago!

Join the crusade! Send potatoes to SCEA to help reboot GLaDOS.. er PSN!

My new campaign: Send potatoes to Sony to help reboot the network! They may need more than GLaDOS! (Which was like 460k)