
Perhaps we could all send Sony a couple of bags of potatoes?

I totally the point the first time I read that. Well played sir.

Don't ever change DeviantArt. Don't. Ever. Change.


Much love for Dejoban. They are the next Valve if they keep it up.

Oh yeah, I don't own an iPhone!

I think the one main reason the Droid succeeded was: It wasn't on AT&T. It's what made me actually go out and buy a "big boy phone." I was essentially using burn phones till then.

@Platypus Man: Cool story for ya bro: The Original name of Battletech was BattleDroids until Lucas stopped them so when I heard the name Droid used for a phone I was amazed, until I saw the little blurb in the right hand corner copyright Lucasfilm.

Wow. Really. Really? Everyone who participated got to play a lot of really neat indie games (I, for one really like indies, and am glad Valve does too), at way reduced prices (indie games are already cheap). If they didn't want to, there was no need to. Hell I put 11 hours into Defense Grid because you know why? It's

I do believe Mr. Frank Borman worried about it all the time he was on Apollo 8.

ok yours. Accept .sf| Rommy and its yours

ok yours. Accept .sf| Rommy and its yours

Now playing

Makes me nostalgic for WizBall. Loved that game.

Have Audiosurf and The Ball extras. 1st come 1st served.

No, it's actually a very nice feature. With my wonderful DSLow, it took me a couple nights to download the 10Gig (Portal 2 is 10Gigs too) behemoth that is Crysis 2. Thats two days AFTER release. RAGE! But with preloading, most of it is waiting on my hard drive alreadyand I can play it today in about eight hours now if

Did that too. Gave more to Red Cross directly than buying all 3 hats. Seriously who cares how the money is raised so long as it DOES SOME GOOD. I don't buy much through Mann Co, yet I never hesitated to buy these.

Quote "Hell if you want to see "bulky" just look at the first gen "portable" computers. Remember the Osborne 1 or the Compaq Portable? Talk about boat anchors and you can forget battery operated."

um H is for Holy