
@Зᴆﻝèsus- Esq. provocateur: More like 2D stacked. Taking a sample width of each run at, oh lets say every two feet, you can map between each exposure and overlay them like what they did (sort of) at the end. If you can get a good isometric view of the sample layers you may be able to guess the map between them. Or

@pandafresh: Oh my god that liver has to come out! It's been in the microwave three minutes, it will get dry!

@Asraiil: My physics professor told us we didn't need to write down any equations because he would provide us with them. Day of the test he wrote ONE FRIGGIN EQUATION. When we complained he said we could derive all other equations form that.

Yo, I ate two of those and then went out for pizza! Fuhgeddaboutit!

@I'm leaving a: I don't remember eating any corn on that sandwich.. or any corn at all. So HOW THE HELL IS THERE CORN IN MY POOP?!

Now playing

You can't kill the clown that easily. Be careful, he has a vengeance streak.

1) Tragedy + Time = Comedy

@John_Hazard: Trollface never needs to explain. Jelly?

This wasn't a triumph.

@underwear-ninja: So let's go and complain on the INTERNET. Completely practical use of time. (Is it bad that I noticed those errors too?)

@John Carter: Why? You wouldn't like the way he looks.

Now playing

It just makes me wanna go throw some Ant-Lion squeekees in and watch the carnage!

@AnnexOne: My dad did this with dimes (and a real forklift). Made a bit of coffee money in the interim.