

As a W210 owner, i agree...good joke

Does rapid oxidation count as damage? Who’s at fault? The owner? The dealer? Or those selfish bastards who conjured up the great Daimler-Chrysler years? I blame the latter. Pic related: My Rock of Sisyphus

What click-bait garbage. He is using “justified” in the legal definition. You know, I know it, but the sales department needs more food for bot-net. The dude goes on to call Zimmerman a “shit bird,” which I believe is the only thing Bone messed up on. “Shit bag” would have been a better term. Apart from that syntax

Then I’m wondering if it was one of those crazy welded together double straight sixes? I doubt it. It was probably actually a v-12 seeing as how it wasn’t long as hell. Although, I wouldn’t put it past the old Navy Seabee welding 2 together...he did some crazy shit. I remember him talking about a 12 cylinder Jag

Not sure what Jag engine that is, but it reminds me of the time a neighbor had an estate sale. One of the items up for auction was a Jaguar straight-12. I passed on it b/c I couldn’t fathom what to do with it. This pic just reminds me of the horrible mistakes I make in life.

What a practical answer that made me literally lol

Just patiently waiting for the 90's German cars to rise in value. I’m either going to be filthy rich or the proud owner of a lot of rusted fender wells. (I’m betting on the latter)

Whatever you think, but the Fuel Shark really does work. Particularly it cuts down on maintenance costs. Let me give an example: I walk into an auto-parts store to order a part I’m not so sure about. I order the part and if the guy behind the counter tries to sell me a Fuel Shark or fucking Lucas oil, then I realize

Nothing wrong with this just ask:

Party of science=stupidity when their people fuck underage boys.

None of which points to pedophilia.

The article you linked provides no evidence of pedophilia, none. It is half homophobic jokes and the rest newspeak alluding to Milk’s connection to pedophilia. Point to any evidence! The last part is accusations that Milk liked to fuck sailors. How many children are in the U.S. Navy? You do not understand reading

Ohh yeah..Matt Barber, same guy that says same-sex adoption is child abuse. Wow you got me. Also, Townhall.com. Reliable.

Lol...no, just no. Pop star..yes.

I suppose you have a source for this accusation

Nevermind, I’m on the same side as you (me no understand kinja)


The guy that killed him and the mayor only got 5 years in prison...the police did everything to ensure leniency. They openly mocked the murder of the “fag.” That is what being disenfranchised is, and exactly what Milk sought to protect others from.