
*Citation needed

All he did was give his life while standing up for a disenfranchised peoples...yeah your right, fuck him.

Dude don’t mention his uncle. That is a low blow. After all the uncle started this whole problem with the molesting that has snowballed into cheating at Pokemon Go.

But how do you stop the mob of poon that is constantly following you?

their eXtrEme garbage beverage of choice

Jesus what a waste

Still a huge environmental waste. Even if they recycle every single component in the most efficient manner, energy and matter are lost at every stage...this is the new Cash for Clunkers. Environmental laws and policies are more PR than science.

Kill me if I ever do a group centric dance number with co-workers

Its was day five of the crystal meth binge, and the paranoia had sunk its claws deep into our spine when we spotted the Camaro....ohh wait you mean my car being stolen...nevermind...

B...but it has Apple Carplay and fucking Teen Driver Technology! I mean it is a smartphone with 4 tires for only $22,500!


I stood outside the Ferrari Store in the Dubai Mall. I Love Ferrari. I refused to walk into the store.

This bullshit. The officer’s life was in danger. Why did he not shoot the kids? The parents....the family dog...random passer-by...

Obviously the only acceptable response by you and Black Lives Matter would be to burn down the Old Slave Market, the Customs House, and that proto-racist military institution The Citadel.

Your "problem" makes me hate you.

Easy now....

I can't express how God-damned right you are...

Don't act like a dumbbell and the cops won't bother you.

My car runs so cool that even after 20 minutes it is only at the 60 C mark on days like this. 5 F. I could not imagine driving my 15 year old Merc (dreaded W210 E430) without being close to operating temperature. I feel like the slush box would just frag itself.

:face palm: