

I dunno. Some people feel that art is getting tossed aside for big bucks.

Would the age of the reviewers affect it you think?

  • 2010s: 2

What is this? A shuttle for ants? How can we be expected to send astronauts to space... if they can’t even fit inside the building?

So ET finally went home?

The movie played well in Canada. We enjoy watching America get nuked and invaded. It’s a kind of vicarious, passive aggression. Sorry.

On the contrary, this twist is one of my favorite things about Iron Man 3, that they did something original and tricked everyone who thought they knew what was up.

Again...No Blackwidow............

Was anyone else thinking this?

Where is the rain you promised! You son of a bitch!

They already had an in-canon reference in Winter Soldier, Star Trek and Star Wars are on Steve’s list of things to watch and catch up with.

Antman was so much fun in that fight... his quick fight with Widow, the running scene, "Something just walked into meeee!", "It's your conscience... we don't talk much."...