
The Dothraki shit is so worthless. Either they serve her and she returns to Mereen or she gets away and returns to Mereen.

Photo of the security guard in question.

Avengers: Infinity Gauntlet and Avengers: Infinity War would be my guesses as well.

That’s what separates a good actress from a great one. If all Munn saw on page was “the girlfriend” that’s what she would have brought. Baccarin saw “the girlfriend, but she still has to keep up with Wade Wilson.”

“I’m just trying to make sure you’re not being harassed!” (As I stand outside the bathroom, waiting to harass you)


So glad we keep finding ways to be an openly bigoted country. Was worried that after nationally recognized same-sex marriage we were going soft there for a second

She doesn’t sing in the movie, it’s only on the end credits.

I’m still blown away that this little kid actor...had to act against an entire cast that was all CG. That’s an impressive feat for an ADULT actor, never mind a kid.

I read that Dennis Hopper’s son once asked him why he agreed to do the Super Mario Brothers movie. He replied “so I could put shoes on your feet.”

Also, don’t be so glum afterward. You’re getting paid no matter what. What was it Michael Caine said about being in Jaws the Revenge? “I have never seen it. By all accounts it’s terrible. But I have seen the house it built, and it’s terrific.”

The only problem with this article is that the original X-men costumes were actually uniforms and it wasn’t until the New X-men turned up in the mid-70s that they all had the distinctive costumes you list above. They’ve gone back and forth every so often ever since.

Good grief sometimes you forget you’re getting old or dying one day at a time to quote the movie, and then someone utter the phrase “too young to have seen Fight Club” lol.

Technically two but right in the feels:

Whenever we change the way we eat the way we farm changes too, but exactly how it’s going to change is utterly unpredictable. Knowing what a farm system might eventually look like if the whole country as it is today switched over to eating local is unforeseeable, but under the system we have right now, there would