
It always comes down to this.

They better have a chrome covered wedding and drive off in a Ford Falcon. #DoNotDisrespect

Now that is both shiny AND chrome. Witness them!

You...didn’t see them go burn down a bunch of tents? You didn’t catch the obvious beating of that point into you when Davos knew that exactly 20 men did the burning and horse killing?

There’s nothing wrong with quadcopter. It is descriptive and has a known definition, it doesn’t have to be technically correct.

There’s no such thing as a Kansas town too small to have a name.

There’s all sorts of things you should be reading more of...

We tend to be plain-spoken and fairly pragmatic out here. I can’t imagine a Midwestern magical school doing anything other than recycling an abandoned county school...after all, its already there, right? Town dying as well? Then we’ll take that too, are checks still okay? Well alright then. And hide? Why not just look

Upper Midwestern Academy (because why name it something fancy that’ll draw attention?) just looks like a run-down magnet school or aging community college/trade school in a dying farm town. You get to it by taking a bus from a truckstop in a Kansas town that’s too small to have a name. Curriculum is a mish-mash of

I think the west coast school would be more hippie than anything else.

He probably picked it up while fighting in the US Civil War or something.

*scrunches nose*

With US education funding, we simply couldn’t afford it. It would have to be a private school. I think

Not saying you guys shouldn’t, it’s just that my first read of the scene was that she was seeing something so horrible she couldn’t process it, and I understood.

Here's an image for scale.

-Who's Wonder Woman?

Someone already covered that joke. It's Star Wars, we're not expecting science.