
Can't it be both? A messy work of inspired genius!

Exactly. I like watching it, but it is kind of a mess. By far the best character is Ruby Rhod.

Obviously the loophole is the possibility of electing a black Muslim socialist.

Comic Con is next week!

I love how the sign changes to "GOD HATES YOU" as he lowers it.

was waiting for this...

A somewhat valid tactic, since you win either way: hero either gets what he wants, or you start the process of divide and conquer when the villain reveals he considers said underling to be disposable. It even worked in the example you gave.

Less successful when Catelyn Stark tried it, though.

Needs more Root Beer Guy!

Me in early 2008: Jon Favreau and Robert Downey Jr.? I don't think I'll be able to handle watching my childhood hero being destroyed by bad directing and bad acting. Maybe I'll be lucky and die of an aneurism before the movie comes out.

I can't wait for the controversy when Idris is the next Bond. Not because I like seeing racist assholes rip on casting decisions, but because it means the the coolest actor in film is now 007.

I used to get bent out of shape about stuff like this but cosplayers have changed my mind.

Wrong...Starbuck as a woman was a great concept that flourished!!! And let's be honest, the old BSG kind of blew...

Did people actually object to Jackson playing a character who had been remodeled in the comics (Ultimate) already to be modeled after himself?

No competition:-

I think I've figured out how Marvel is handling the new Thor.

So, sometimes I see a woman on the sidewalkandI go "Man this woman is gorgeous" Then she plops a cigarette in her mouth and suddenly she is not that attractive anymore.