Yeah, next week.

The sleeves are a shame. The Brooklyn basketball logo has a nice playfulness to it and would look awesome on a real jersey

This should defiantly be one of them. It was one of my first JRPGs and damn is it good. I'll admit it's not for everyone by any means, but I did play through most of it a few years ago and it does age pretty well.

Judging by the crowd, I'm guessing this interview took place either late in the first quarter or early in the fourth quarter.

I thought Vita PS4 remote play was made an actual requirement (with the PS eye exception ofc)?

Rachel's reactions as told in gifs

I was playing last night and my mother was sitting quietly behind me, I thought she was reading a book. But then I was getting chased by the cops in this swampy area, and I turned around to see how close they were and they killed me like that. Of course the screen comes up WASTED, and I hear this voice behind me say,

John Stewart and Stephen Colbert are the only people that keep me sane living in this country. If I ever get overwhelmed I just watch them and get a healthy dose of logic and feel like it's all gonna be ok again.

Don't blame Valve for you getting your hopes up and obviously not listening to context clues that suggested that they'd mention a controller today.

If by should meet you mean that they're currently at over 1000% of their initial goal. Then yes. Very much so.

Oh god! That wasn't even close to what I was expecting! I gotta say I'd have loved that to have at least been included on disc as a bonus feature!

Should've gone through with this and made it a New Game Plus ending

If only there was some sort of video game in which we could practice our heist.

I swear to god I will ban you.

I think they are actually trying to address this by making the movies less about superheroes. They did this to a certain extent in Phase 1, but they've straight-up said that Phase 2 is about making real movies that happen to star superheroes. Thor is a fantasy movie, Iron Man 3 was a techno-thriller, Captain America 2

Ammendment: If it is a cash bar, punch the groom in the face, take back your gift, and go home. Nobody would blame you.

They are indeed digital. I've been contemplating a subscription for a year or so.

Offline maps are sort-of available by viewing the area you want to cache and then searching for, "ok maps". This will cache the viewed area. Google say the functionality is coming but this "Easter Egg" should work for now.