Bravo this this! Please bring back what we came to Gizmodo for. Less political soap box and more tech and goodies.
Bravo this this! Please bring back what we came to Gizmodo for. Less political soap box and more tech and goodies.
Actually there is no longer a debate and no there are not any legitimate concerns, the multitude of peer reviewed scientific research accomplished this. By multitude I mean global studies with thousands if not millions of subjects which have disproven the (SINGLE) fraudulent report done by one (now disavowed)…
Actually there is no longer a debate and no there are not any legitimate concerns, the multitude of peer reviewed scientific research accomplished this. By multitude I mean global studies with thousands if not millions of subjects which have disproven the (SINGLE) fraudulent report done by one (now disavowed)…
The article on Trump wanting the military parade would be one. Its bullshit and an objective person can see it. Plus there is no verifiable sourcing in half of these weird assertions. I could say everyone at Gizmodo is just shilling against Trump to make left wing news look stupid and ridiculous and the source of…
No its because the people that run Snopes were disproven on multiple assertions made. They got into the panic of stop the Trump at all costs and it cost them. I used to use the site but it is not reliable so I quit going.
Not a republican. But you play one on Gizmodo.
No it makes you a fraud, you stay a member of a willfully corrupt organization which takes its stalwart guidance from the Heritage Foundation, but somehow you are going to change it from within. By the way I don’t believe you for a minute. Who did you want from the Republican side for your candidate Jeb? Rand?, The…
OOOO! Showed him didn’t you.
That is awesome.
You are no more of a republican than the out going president.
More made up shit. Are you low on ideas?
Dude Anyone from Venezuela is barred from any comments unless you are somehow begging for help for the dumpster fire you call a government and economy. Your Chavista buddies robbed your country of billions they jet around the world and party on the est. 150 billion pocketed by Chavez’s family alone. This is all while…
NO defending this guy, however your title is not really applicable to the reality of the control DoE has on the weapons, its more comparable to that of an auto leasing bank has on its cars. The weapons are under the control of the Military, with the fissile material and technology being on loan from the DoE. They…
Well also since the gulf Arabs and Saudis already own it. Its why you can get a douche like Skrelli suspended but not remove every pro ISIL post, especially when every gov outside the Arab world is begging you.
Just so were clear the plant is specifically formthe US market. So much like most of the European countries who despite being modern western economies, still have a manufacturing sector. Why you say? Taxes/tariffs on the origen of manufactured goods, or by forcing the production to occur in their countries. Which is…
You either make money or you dont and so far from any meaningful standpoint it doesnt. Also 6 billion in free tax payer assistance.
Or you know focus on making a product that isnt going to get the company sued into oblivion, or makes a profit? They are being sued over software.
His ability to pay for his internet connection (if he is not usin it at work) is directly tied to tax collection. (Police detective.
Ahh muh rOads....