
That's freakin' cool, man!

Thanks for sharing your memories of your father!

Sorry to hear about the death of your dad. He always stood out in every role he played.

That guy is Charlea Napier, and he was my Dad. I always loved watching this role on VHS and he would like to play thia song in his study that we built onto the side of our house. We lived way up in the mountains and I was always interested in NASA and Star Trek because we could see the entire milky way with no light

Agreed. I know this is a really crass thing to say, but I'm really glad Roddenberry's health prevented him from having any meaningful input into Deep Space Nine. A lot of tired old Trek tropes desperately needed a kick in the slats and little if any of it would have happened if he had anything to do with it.

I've said the same, people put him on a pedestal but you read these and Shanter's books, you can see the guy could be his own worst enemy (seriously, the "planet where blacks enslave whites" story he kept pushing).

Even now, fans are very protective of Roddenberry's godlike status. When I had the audacity to suggest that Deep Space Nine was so good in part because it broke free of Roddenberry's utopianism, I really pissed some people off.

Maybe because he runs so fast, all the natural color runs out and is left gray/silver? That's what the streak you see behind him is. His hair color....

They are nice though.... I'd want to accentuate mine.

His hair grows pretty fast, too. He'd be constantly touching them up with no time left to fight evil robots.

They actually can make movies until the end of time if they want to. Fox has to make an X-Men (and Fantastic Four) movie every x-amount of years in order to keep the rights. If they don't, they revert back to Marvel. That's what happened with Daredevil, Ghost Rider and Blade.

Exactly what I thought, but it makes sense.

Okay. But are they ever going to explain the origin of that terrible dye job Quicksilver got?

So basically he's using Loki's staff to create "mutants". Nicely done Marvel...nicely done.

Always read like stockholm syndrome to me, so makes sense

*Trilogy*? LOL

A Game of Thrones is really interested in taking fantasy tropes and calling them out for being BS, so it's full of women who had arranged marriages or marriages-to-be (just like in the olden times! how dreamy!) and showing these women to be either terrified of their king-to-be (Sansa) or openly held in contempt

I kind of like it that Dany originally killed Khal Drogo. I just never bought that she fell so madly in love with her captor and rapist. Or, at least, it always seemed creepy.

Don't worry — this outline doesn't contain the ending of the books, or any spoilers at all

My reaction as well. This is how we ended up with extra books that go nowhere too.