
This is the reason why Teddie is never in any of my parties in Pq.

I definitely will! Thursday looks like a good day to start.

And I assume these things happen in a clinical setting. Did you see the first X-Files movie? That's about the level of black goo/exploding bodies I can tolerate. Although if all of this happens in a hospital, I may have to pass (I also have a thing about hospitals lol).

Which answers do you think were unreasonable? I'll definitely grant you that some of the answers were less than exciting or could have been better, but I don't recall any unreasonable answers.

What were you told was the "big mysterious ending" of the show? Lots of people misunderstood the ending, so you may have been told incorrectly.

Sorry, Defiance has at least had three on-screen handjobs that I can remember. It's apparently Syfy's new trademark!

Well, from that perspective getting hacked to death with a meat cleaver is probably sublime too.

The Kantian sublime, I guess? The sublime aesthetic of a violent storm or huge waterfall that overwhelms with terror and is more or less inaccessible to reason, as opposed to the picturesque.

I haven't watched Helix for fear of 1) profuse vomiting, and 2) exploding bodies/things popping out of people. Can anyone confirm or deny that these things occur, and rate how disgusting the scenes are on a scale of one to ten, one being dainty behind-a-handkerchief gagging and ten being Alien, The Thing, and The Hot

No reference to the 1st on-screen hand job in SciFi's history?

I guess, but I'm pretty sure the experience of the sublime is traditionally supposed to be incoherent and not accessible to logic or reason. It doesn't have to be pleasant, of course.

I stuck with Helix all through Season One and it really is one of those shows that I couldn't give up but didn't know why. Haven't seen any episodes from Season Two but I've been recording them on my DVR and should probably start watching them. I was one of the seemingly few people who wasn't pissed off by the Lost

In the sense of "overwhelming the senses with bombastic grandeur," it comes pretty close I think.

I'll have to check back in on Season 2. After all, Season 1 gave us the best line reading of 2014 and the worst possible way to tell someone you're her long-lost father:

The concern trolls are the absolute best, aren't they?

Something on the side, does anyone knows why Mayim Bialik decided to go on the anti vaxxer movement?
until today I thought she was a Phd just because she finished school and called quits on science, but after listening to the 3 part "star talk" with Neil Tyson and Bill Nye I found that she is brilliant and passionate

But there's no basis for this. Even Bachmann backtracked and said she wasn't sure it was about HPV. It's a quick way to deflect from whatever problem happens. My sister went through a wild child phase at 16 - was that because she got an updated Tdap? Come on.

Not when their decision could kill other people's kids.

There can be only one.