
I'm happy. I'm feeling glad!


'Thunder thighs" — it had to be said, you know that...

That is totally awesome codpiece.

When super-heroing, always wear a cup. Safety first.

Unfortunately that last screenshot just drew my gaze straight to that strangely angular codpiece.

On purpose.

The worst part of it is, people always include the clip in video packages about him, so it's hard to avoid. That said, I do recommend his matches. Honestly, he has one of the greatest 450s I've seen. So much hang-time.

I find this quite appealing.

Wouldn't that be "Jenge"? (which I'm totally going to start calling her now...) :-)

Many of those matches where carried by Rollins and Ambrose doing crazy spots with the Wyatt family, just enough Roman to make him look like a good big guy. He does his Soccer Mom punch, drop kicks outside the ring and then they do the super power bomb. These three man matches where perfect for hiding his flaws.

"Fans apparently want Daniel Bryan to win everything he's in. Those same fans are sick of John Cena because he wins pretty much everything (sooner or later)."

The difference is that one of these two is talented and entertaining and the other has five moves and looks like a walking back of dicks.

You mean Heyman reusing the same material we've heard since WM30 and directing it to Roman, featuring Lesnar standing around on the side and saying 2 things? Yeah, saw it. There's something to be said about a manager getting all of the attention... even if that manager is Heyman.

>>Why even bother trying to get us to connect with these wonderful characters, if the show was going to kill them all off as carelessly as an introduction to a Law & Order episode?<<

Hoo, boy...where do I begin with the bitching?

They introduced a new villain every 4 episodes. The Clown, The freakshow collector guy, Dandy, and then NPH. Give us one bad guy, make him complex, make him awesome.

Then, Ryan Murphy turned AHS into his own personal Glee spinoff for half of the season. EVERYONE GETS A

What went wrong? The same thing that's been going wrong - the showrunner doesn't actually know what the word horror means as a genre, and instead thinks throwing gross, random, hackneyed shit at the viewers is it. From the ridiculous season 1 opener that might as well have been cut together from stock footage to

Yeah, the title match was great. And that's part of why so many of us are unhappy with the prospect of Lesnar vs. Reigns. It is unlikely to be a very good match, not compared to the presumed quality of Lesnar against Bryan, Ziggler, Ambrose or even Rusev.

Roman Reigns, who is now slotted for the main event of Wrestlemania has had how many great singles matches? How many PPV singles matches? I think the answers there are zero and one, but I might be slightly off.

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Here is Rollins giving it to Daniel Bryan in ROH.

Yup. He used it when he was Tyler Black in ROH.