
As the comments on that tweet point out, that’s not an accurate side-by-side of them. It’s some kind of weird morph that mixes their features up.

Unless he ran the PJ twitter, that wasn’t his doing.

I’ll never forget that when I told someone who was a friend about the then-recent news of Dumbledore’s gayness, she told me it wasn’t because a) it was never mentioned in the books and b) fictional characters can’t be gay. We were in highschool and she knew I was gay.

Tbh, I think this article could do with some more coverage of Rose Christo’s claims of ownership. That story is absolutely bonkers.

Absolutely. I haven’t watched Supernatural in years due to the way it squanders potential and makes bad writing decisions, butt I still read a fair amount of fanfic, some of which is deeply resonant. They take the story and/or the characters in much more interesting directions than the writers of the show do, and also

Racism, slaughter of indigenous peoples...

I think you’re doing Moonlight a great disservice by including Call Me By Your Name in the same breath. CMBYN has a grown man in a relationship with a teenager, and so much of the press about the movie seems to be blatantly overlooking that fact.

Yes!! It got 2 seasons, 39 episodes total. I’d watch the hell out of this if that were the case - my dad and I were huge fans of the CN reboot!

It was actually really good, with cool character designs. My dad and I loved watching it together, and I still have a bunch of the action figures :D

In the Midwest, too. I live in a part of Wisconsin that is basically Catholicville. We are also, unfortunately, *very* red.

Did you ever see that segment? I feel so bad for Giada - she was desperately trying to keep it together, but she was being actively sabotaged by Nicole Kidman.

Check upthread - this is a troll

Oh my god, I can’t believe I forgot about that hot garbage app. Good gracious, what an atrocity...

I feel we’ve miscommunicated or something similar. I wasn’t trying to attack you in my first post or accuse you of something. I didn’t accuse you of lying in my first post. It was my mistake that I didn’t look up current pricing tiers or elaborate, but I didn’t say you were lying.

Making the average citizen bankroll court costs for a massive, rich cult sure is an interesting style of grift, isn’t it?

It should, and probably more than “kind of”. Shipping characters (live-action or not!) is totally fine, but it’s a huge invasion of privacy among other things to ship real life people. And I mean, the level of delusional harassment and abusiveness RPF shippers target toward people the perceive as getting in the way of

Hmm, you’re right. Previous to a guidebook being published this August, the creators had only said that he and the rest of the paladins were “late teens” which was ambiguous in a bad way and made Sheith a gross ship. As of that book though, he’s 18 (Lance and Hunk are confirmed 17, with Pidge being 15). Not sure if

I wouldn’t personally define that as the “same price” as it’s a dollar different and as far as I’m aware you can’t buy multiple months of Netflix at a time in the same way. Though it’s cheaper in the long run to get PS Now for 3 months, that’s a bigger chunk of money to have at once (and would definitely not be

Maybe not directly, but the superfood craze causes an extremely high demand for a given food so much so that people who actually need it face very high prices/shortages for it, and it is a factor in malnutrition.

Yeah. I think a lot of the blog’s content is the kind of outlandish shitpost that people assume is sexual but isn’t necessarily. No defense for the Olaf Ice Cream moneyshot though - that one’s pretty obvious.