
As well as the fact that Masterson is a premier Scientologist. We all know how scarily litigious Scientology is. I’m betting that if they outright fired him or ended his contract, they’d have to deal with a superpowered cult of millionaires trying to sue them. My first guess as to why it took so long, on top of what

““She never said no to what we chose to do together””

I think you should get something that’s an actual, legitimate problem lol

Unless Netflix suddenly became 20 dollars a month, it’s nowhere near “basically the same price”.

That Shiro/Keith ship is pretty... yikes. Shiro’s a grown adult. Keith is a teenager.

These people should be tried for crimes against humanity.

“holistic problem caused by chronic inflammation”

An actual queer take on Batman and Joker’s relationship and influence on one another would be fascinating.
Also, how come John Doe looks like Willem Dafoe (and Ryuk) and Bruce has a chunk out of his ear?

Nah, the first mission of S&M was to catch 100 MILLION Pokemon. And users only caught like 16% of the intended goal. That was a titanic failure. The goal was still way too high for USUM, but at least people got it a lot closer lol

Fair enough. Do you happen to have links or can you tell me where to find them? I’m not at all familiar with blind item sites, and I’d really like to know who’s on the handle side of the sword here. I’m not interested in arguing with you or something jsyk - I just like to be on the up and up so I don’t get attached to

What do you mean by the fascist bent that runs in his family? I’m not very familiar with the royals. Also, IIRC he dressed up as a Nazi in the 2000s for Halloween or something?

Who are the crushes you’ve read are involved?

I agree with all of this except the bit about Tiffany Trump. She’s not a kid, she’s 24. And she fully supports her father, and should be held accountable for it.

Can’t say I like his artstyle, but he’s definitely a shit person. Tw racism, antisemitism, and ‘joking’ about sexual harassment

Uhhh... do you know about hotdiggedydemon? I really don’t think he should be promoted. He’s a racist and antisemite. TW both of those things and “joking” about sexual harassment here (I can’t direct link bc kinja autoembeds):

No. That was never anything more than rumor.

“And then it was made public by him for profit, and by members of – we’ll call it the press.”
So basically, he’s echoing his antisemitic rant in question - “it’s The Jews TM”. He’s such a damn phony 

He tattooed a swastika on his face. I think that answers whether or not he believed his own bullshit.