
Yeah. I just learned in the wake of his death exactly how much of a racist he was, as well. He wasn’t just a murderous cult-leading sociopath, he was a white supremacist too.

Don’t whitewash that he wasn’t just a cult leader, he was an extremely racist cult leader. The killings were all about trying to frame black people to start a “race war” in which everyone else but The Family would perish.

Absolutely. I can’t speak for USUM yet because i’m only a few hours in, but SuMo are a VAST, VAST improvement over X and Y. XY were pretty, but that’s it. SuMo has an interesting plot and characters, along with cool mechanics. Moon is one of my fav Pokemon games ever - and I’m saying this as someone who’s played every

Finger was Bobby-snatched.

In the line, “I realized that was not my responsibility, but it’s absolutely horrifying,” *what* exactly was he saying was not his responsibility?
Journalists have a duty to protect their sources. If someone who they wrote a piece on is in danger, physical or not, from a piece they wrote and they ask that you scrub

Ah yeah, I think this is the one I was thinking about. Definitely not play the “dirty gay grandpa” at all. The guy seemed fine with it, but I still get a lot of sleaze from George here. A different commenter alluded to there being other times he groped guests too, probably against their will, but I only just asked if

Who is this referring to? Do you have episode clips?

Scarily enough, there are people who are INTO Wrangler Jeans ads. I stumbled across a blog dedicated to “Wrangler butts” last month and I was aghast!

Chris Evans! Idris Elba!! Godfrey Gao!! Taika Waititi!!

Pathological liars like to get attention by pretending they’re important and In The Know about whatever topic they’re fixating on.

me to the headless mantis whose corpse is still fucking and nutting: YOU’RE DOING GREAT SWEETIE!!

I know right! Do you have any clips from those episodes? I was one of the few people not particularly suprised by the allegation against him and the terrible interview - I’d seen a video of him groping someone in the studio YEARS back but I have no idea when it was or anything. I think Howard brought in hot guys for

“ By the time Max stands up for herself, drugging Billy so he stops beating up Steve, we’ve seen enough of Billy’s backstory to sympathize with his pain, muddying the impact of Max’s biggest moment in the entire season. “
I mean... we can have some kind of sympathy for him as an abused child, but that really doesn’t

Played Undertale yet? :)

Good read. I’m just wondering how much of that is his actual character and how much of it is us trying to justify the writers’ shitty choices, you know? And yeah. Even if that element were intentional, they took it to absolutely ridiculous levels for no reason whatsoever. His sister being Like That TM really drives

They should also apologize for photoshopping her skin so much - they totally changed her undertone color and even made her a bit lighter.

Yeah. I get being scared or wary of her, but that was absolutely ridiculous. It made no sense for his character to be such an asshole about her. It’s especially telling that they made the single black character a quasi-antagonist.

The question here is thus: Why on Earth DIDN’T you fully support anyone who wanted to kneel?

which is?