
I’m not so sure about that... I’m thinking of his one sub jockstrap scene in a major movie a few years back.

To be fair, more robust trading and battling features were advertised and/or promised.

Because, as cults do, it promises the world while exploiting your insecurities. A lot of people would never think they’d join a cult. Unfortunately, cult leaders are manipulators and know exactly how to twist you into being interested. It doesn’t make sense from an outsider’s viewpoint, but it makes a world of sense

“Oxenberg claims to have been the person who first suggested India look into Nxivm, which advertises itself as a self-help organization, as a way to bond. According to Oxenberg, India has spent her inheritance on classes with Nxivm and recruited friends to the organization.”

Yeah, but they also make it clear that even the concept of tattooing and branding even consensually is a huge trigger for them due to their trauma. Cut ‘em some slack

Wow, this and the two trans representatives winning tonight has made my night a whole lot better. Thank you for doing this - I hope it stays up for the rest of time!

This is especially weird given that it was fired toward a tiny-ass blog. When this song came out, I saw multiple articles by big publications talking about how the alt right have named her their princess due to the song’s lyrics and more... Trying to silence the small blogs because you know the big pubs won’t pull

Use a streaming site. Try .

Actually... Midichlorians were a part of Star Wars canon since 1977, they just weren’t mentioned in the movies

Now playing

No, it’s definitely misogynist.Here are some videos about it:

Now playing

Yes, it’s that bad. Here are some videos about it:

Why are Amy and Bernadette not wearing hero costumes too?? What exactly are the costumes supposed to represent???

Number 0:

That basically happened with George Lucas and Leia’s bra, too...

I’m one to doubt an apology when it’s immediately followed by talking about how much you care about the people you offended and going off on a barely-related tangent about how good of a person or philanthropist you are. “Don’t forget about my work in Haiti!” No one did, girl...
Even less so when someone does shit and

Twitter has stated that their reasoning for temporarily suspending Rose McGowan from the site was for tweeting out someone’s phone number previously. It is not because she was speaking out against Weinstein, though her tweets about him surely drew more eyes to her page (and thus more people looking to report her for

Holy shit, when scrolling past this article I thought the header pic was a fleshlight!!! Aaaaaah!!!!!

Because they’re essentially gambling. That is the ultimate end goal of Gamification: taking goods and services and making earning/getting them part of a gambling-esque game to make people addicted to spending their money on microtransactions.