
Yeah, I’m serious. Thanks for the tidbit

All night. If you decide to write a thesis about it, I’d read it. I want to know. I don’t like not being aware of shitty things people have done

There are definitely ‘casting couches’ in other industries. Also, MacGowan was suspended from twitter for posting someone’s phone number.

The use of the ‘word’ “transgenderism” really bugged me. There are plenty of much better ways to refer to transness and such.

Uh oh, what are the rumors about Letterman exactly?

Yeah, absolutely! It’s weird to me that the author of this article didn’t mention that LeVeyan Satanism isn’t the only, or even the most popular, kind of Satanism. Other types that I’ve read about are much more humanitarian or socialist. The LeVeyan version is basically adherent to capitalism.

“You get better cars, more money, you’re more successful, you buy houses. That’s Satanic.”

what is the thing you mention is from a gay man’s critique of hypermasculinity??

The article also mentioned he was critical of the family’s governing

Not that she’s never done any wrong though. She and her family are very notable appropriators of blackness

Why don’t they just use a different motorcycle that has either a windshield or more than one headlight?????

It’s not a coincidence that she came out during the summer as a trans woman and was found dead, stabbed in the genitals, and charred not half a year later. Genital-based violence is common in transphobic hate crimes.

Not sayin you are.

Fair point, although the article also said all three of the accused discussed plans to kill her and deal with her body. If her actual actions didn’t prove that she was all for this, that really illustrates it.

So not only was this clearly a transmisogynist hate crime, but the victim was a minor who was murdered by her adult significant other and accomplices. jesus fucking chist

I’m hoping the statue is just a pair of legs - that’d be really funny

On one hand, I don’t want spoilers. But on the other hand I want to know if I need to be prepared for seeing it...

Not just homophobia - tons of transphobia, as well.