
Did they have to make Ecto1 legally “not a Cadillac”? Because the extra lamps in the lower bumper just look weird.

Way back in the late ‘90s I was sharing a college apartment with my cousin about 100 miles from home. Both of us would regularly commute home for the weekend, and it became a (very stupid) game to see who had the fastest time between our apartment parking lot and my parent’s house(you had to drive past to get to his

Probably me, but only due to lack of anyone else who really gave a shit about cars. Most of the rest of the guys in Auto Shop were their because it was an easy class they could slack off in.

“150 large” is $150,000.

“150 large” is $150,000.

“150 large” is $150,000.

A line lock prevents the front tires from rotating, that is all. It doesn’t prevent the car from (if it has enough HP) pushing the locked wheels forward. It doesn’t prevent the rear end from slewing one way or the other once the rear tires have broken traction. It doesn’t prevent clouds of smoke from obscuring other

My partner describes herself as having a “flammable complexion.”

Here, let me google that for you:

I am reminded of a (now passed on) friend’s favorite story of his high school days.

Many years ago I was driving home under the influence of one of the greatest mind-altering things known to man.

As I said, I wasn’t trying to forgive them.

Not to forgive them, but they are following the character concepts from the first one. The three white guys were the “brains” and the black guy(Winston Zedmore) was just some guy they hired.

I know more female riders than male, and in every case their significant other doesn’t ride. Most are trying to convince their partners to ride, with limited success.

A movie he spent decades developing, for which he created lavish backstories for the characters & world just so that his actors would know their motivations better, even though that wouldn’t appear on film. A movie that he spent years filming, hauling dozens of vehicles across two continents to film in the best

I took this disaster of a bathroom(the exposed studs are due to having a dormer added, the tub was originally under slanted ceiling)...

Can’t get pricing for the police packages, but the civilian versions start as follows:

I think it was the fact they’d been paying for other things(deposit, inspection, etc.) with valid checks and that you can’t really steal a house that let them. Both agents have told my mom that since then they only do bank transfers.